Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I'll start with the background of the item and then work my way to your request so I can offer a full picture of the transaction as we see it. This item was taken in directly out of a working professional studio where it was in use until I photographed and listed it. I feel that it would be very unlikely for the item to stop functioning between then and now unless it was damaged in shipment or incorrectly used. I went as far as separating the housing from the preamp to ensure safe delivery and if it was damaged in shipping, I'm sure you would have mentioned it the day it was received. I am by no means a difficult guy to get along with and will do all I can to help our customers within reason.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

(1) It was earlier finish, but i found it not. Crazy days between the years.
(2) Yes, i download already the cover and will work on it. I think it will be well.
(3) No problem. I have a other cover, a other track list and we are in Germany and it is already 7 years ago. No problem! I think our fans will not know your album, because Diventa did the first digital release in 2007 and we founded in 2006. ;-) Really no problem.
Also some labels take album 1:1 and release it again. This is possible. In iTunes will see fans what they download already and what not. all is well!



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Great Game

Ok, I love golfing and this game brings me back to my Hotshots Golf 3 days. what I get irritated with is that using the game I created a Gameloft account so I can play online. But when I go to sign in it doesn't let me and says that "This username doesn't exist." And if I click to create account, it puts me as if I logged in in this Gameloft website with my account. It works fine, and there is an option to buy more charge points which allow you to play more. But you can wait and play every 5 hours because charge points take 1 hour to charge each, and a 5 point total. Unless you want to play forever and pay the cash then go ahead, but I recommend taking the break after the 5 courses.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Awsome looking and Ok playing The issues come later

Its a free game sort of. Its more like a demo that charges you to keep playing after a few holes. Thats no big deal to me but what is a bother is I bought this game and now cant get rid of it. I can uninstall the small download from Amazon but not the close to 1gb Gameloft adds on after than. I can get rid of the icon but I cant get the lost data back on my 8gb Kindle Fire. Major issue when you have such little space to start with.

The game does look good and its your typical Hot shots Golf type game. Just know once you buy you have for life..... and loose some serious space after.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Not a free app!!!

Download for free, but you will have to pay if you actually want to play for any real amount of time. First time I have ever reviewed an app, and I must say I am so angry with this app that I had to write about it. Play one hole, wait an hour for more "energy" points, or, hey wait, you can buy them for real money, if you would like. What a ripoff. These companies should be ashamed. What makes it worse is that it's actually a decent game, and I think that is what they were banking on to make you pay to play. Great bait and switch, stay away...




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

こんにちは、thegolfhabit さん。


BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (200691200040)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (310367116241)

BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
がシャフトが「DYNAMIC GOLD XP S300 STIFF」ではなく「TP-90 FUJIKURA」が装着されたクラブが届きました。





Hello, thegolfhabit-san,
I always buy many items on your auction.
Recently I won three sets of irons and you shipped them to me to Japan.
To my regret, one of the sets had a wrong shaft.

The items which I won and asked you to ship to Japan are as folloes:
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (200691200040)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (310367116241)

Among them, in the
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775),
a club was equipped with TP-90 FUJIKURA, not with DYNAMIC GOLD XP S300 STIFF.

What should I do to solve this problem?

I would like to buy more golf clubs from you in the future.
I hope to have direct transaction with you to buy more items.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

"The Beggar's Opera" is a comedy set in the dingier corners of London, circa 1728.

The main character, Polly Peachum, is the daughter of a man who sells out fellow criminals to the law in order to collect the rewards. Polly's love interest, MacHeath, is a highwayman, whose weakness for women continually wreaks havok upon his life.

YYY's version of "The Beggar's Opera" was reconstructed by 60-year Tokyo resident V.S., and was presented in an in-concert style..


On this page you will be able to buy tickets to upcoming events and shows, as well as support us by buying merchandise.

At the moment, we don't have much merchandise, but it will be coming soon.

Tickets are available below.








gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"39" represented many firsts for YYY. It was the first wholly original mainstage show in the company's 110 year history; it was the first show to tour overseas; it was the first show to have more than 20 performances; and it was the first show to emphasize a process-driven approach to making Theatre.

Using the principle of time dilation, "39" told the story of an astronaut who returned to an earth that had become totally alien to him.


"The Tempest" was the first PPP tour to YYY.

Shakespeare’s magical and strange last play – his poignant farewell to the stage – has love, tragedy, and comedy combined in equal measure, as the usurped Prospero draws his enemies to an enchanted island to exact his revenge.






gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"Ring Round the Moon" is a comedy written by French playwright Jean Anouilh and adapted into an English version by Christopher Fry. The action of the play takes place during the "Belle Epoque" in France, the peaceful era just before the first World War. Madame Desmortes, a wealthy matriarch, has invited various family members and acquaintances up to her chateau for a ball... but her nephew Hugo has other plans-- plans which will throw the entire evening into chaos.


The Pembroke Players returned to Yokohama in September, 2010 for the second time. This time, the Yokohama venue was Nigiwai-za. The cast and crew put on a spectacular "Much Ado About Nothing", which got rave reviews from the audience!




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

It's Shakespeare's text, but this was a unique "Richard III".

Instead of the usual stereotyped villain, Martin Burns as Richard was human; a man who loved and bled. The play examined why a man might do the terrible things that Richard does to become king, and asked the question: was it worth the cost?


We are slowly planning on building up a repository of older shows from YYY's days as a club. If you have any photos (particularly any dating from before the 1980s), please use our ::CONTACT FORM:: and let us know! We'd love to have scans of them.


"This Is Shakespeare" presented in small scenes badly re-written Shakespearean plays through the ages. It was YYY’s only production in its 2006 – 2007 season.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

"Tartuffe" was, to date, the last scripted piece created by YYY. It was a new prose adaptation of the French classic by Moliere. Each performance, however, contained 45 minutes of improvisation by the actors as they played characters stuck in a rural Japanese train station in 1941. ("Tartuffe" was the second coproduction between YYY and TTT.)

The bleakness of the situation of Japan in 1941 was used to contrast the light frivolity of Tartuffe itself while still delivering the play's original message on the idiocy of blind faith.

"The Last Christmas" was the first show of the 2007/2008 season. It was also YYY's first full co-production with a Tokyo theatre company.





gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Once the login team receives and sorts your package, they declare and describe your items based on the information they have readily available (merchant invoice, internet search). After this you will receive an email with the description of the items received, as well as the price we declared your items at for customs purposes. This will allow you to review if the information we entered on your account is correct or not.
As a Premium Member, if the declared values or export descriptions are incorrect, you can log into chat or email us the correct information and we would be happy to make the adjustments.




gloria English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Current Rosetta Stone products have been engineered to install and run on the Windows Vista operating system. Some 3rd party components used in Rosetta Stone Language has not been certified by Microsoft as "Vista Compliant". Accordingly, you may encounter some Vista-related operating issues. Rosetta Stone technical support may or may not be able to resolve these Vista-related issues. Rosetta Stone hereby disclaims any representations, warranties, guaranties and conditions with respect to the compatibility of the Rosetta Stone products with the Windows Vista operating systems.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Wi3 is improving the way everyone experiences online media. Through innovative approaches to in-home and commercial networking, our products make it easier to surf, watch, play and learn through the Internet.

WiPNET is a simple solution to the myriad of problems facing in-home networks and the hassles of connecting multiple Internet devices to a single access point. Using existing coax cable and MoCA® technology, the "sleeve & cartridge" WiPNET port hub delivers dependable, fast and full-strength ethernet connections anywhere you need them. Choose from a number of cartridge options, each of which slides smoothly into place to offer attractive, hassle-free connectivity.


