Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

9451703940 July 19:
No pictures were provided. Claims cannot be placed nor refund can be made without pictures. I see you are claiming $2100 for packages 03113260000065542235 and EM037586495CA both containing cameras. Can you please send pictures of the damage for each item in order to proceed?

9452161110 July 31:
No pictures of shipping boxes were provided to see how the shipment/merchandise was sent or if it was opened by customs in your country. And no claim form was provided so we were not able to place the claim. Please fill out the attached claim to proceed.



9452161110 7月31日:

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello bobnickyon33 (sprh8k89@tempo.ocn.ne.jp),

Your eBay account has been suspended because recent account activity has raised security concerns. We've taken this precaution to protect our members while we make sure that the activity doesn't cause harm--even unintentionally--to the eBay community.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to use eBay in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account.

Any outstanding fees will be due immediately, and any amounts that you haven't previously disputed will be charged to the billing method currently on file.

We appreciate your understanding.



Please don't reply to this message.


こんにちは、bobnickyon33さん (sprh8k89@tempo.ocn.ne.jp)、








gloria English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.8
Original Text

You opened a case with Paypal? SIGNFICANTLY NOT AS DESCRIBED? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You just sent the email this morning, it hasn't even been 24 hours. I was in the hospital all day with my wife. That was a very stupid, foolish thing to do You didn't even give me a chance to respond. I was going to send you the MR card you so desperately need but now I'm NOT EVEN INTERESTED IN DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU AT ANY COST. Your business is not welcome with us and if you can't understand our commitment to our buyers by reading our feedback you have no business buying a model from us. Please make arrangements to send it back to us at once  I will pay the return shipping. You don't deserve to have it  no matter how rare it is



gloria English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

For both of these, all key indicators are on, or better than, their current target. However, child mortality rates remain high and the targets could be revised upwards.
For Gender, these include literacy of adult women, wage employment in the service sector, and the proportion of women in top decision-making positions at all levels.
CMDG8 (Global Partnership for Development), shows good progress in ODA and use of ICT, but needs attention to trade. It is not possible to assess progress in the absence of clear targets. These will be set in the revised framework.

