Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook told me today it does not share revenue with Zynga from ads that appear on its own social network, but in the future, it could share revenue from advertising if they appear on one of Zynga’s properties and were sold by Facebook.

In a statement, a spokesperson explained, “We don’t have agreements with any developers, including Zynga, to share revenue from ads next to their Facebook canvas apps. We did agree with Zynga to work together in the future on providing ads on their properties beyond Facebook, but we have no current timeline for when we might start working on that.”




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Over the longer term, however, this clearly doesn't make Zynga look great. Even though revenue from Facebook games is increasing as Zynga gets better at monetizing, unique users are basically flat. Zynga's interest is clearly to build games on other platforms besides Facebook, both for growth and for platform risk mitigation. But it seems Facebook gets to say on what platforms Zynga can and can't launch games. Zynga is betting on mobile as its next big platform. Is GameCenter, Apple's iOS gaming social service, one of the "social platforms" on which Zynga can't launch games without Facebook's say-so?

