Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Rose says that Facebook does test new features with some developers before turning them on to the user base.

Example 2: Some developers are now pointing out that Zynga’s latest Facebook game, Empires & Allies, has nearly flat traffic by monthly active users at slightly under 45 million, according to our AppData tracking service. The speculation is that Facebook is somehow propping up these numbers instead of letting them fall naturally.

But that’s a logical leap, as Zynga could be taking any number of steps, from running ads, to pushing cross-promotions and other normal efforts to keep numbers at that level (although that precise of a flattening is not easy to create).





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

But that’s not all. The DCCI report touches on a number of aspects of China’s rapidly growing internet. Among the highlights:

China’s internet advertising market is expected to grow by 40 percent or more each year for at least the next four years. The current 37 billion RMB/year market will expand to over 149 billion RMB/year by 2015.
So far in 2011, nearly 40 percent of online advertisements have been for computer products. The next most popular categories are vehicles (13.9 percent), real estate (11.8 percent), and clothing (11.4 percent).
Sales of smartphones in China passed sales of TVs back in 2009, and will barely surpass PC sales this year.




gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

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gloria English → Japanese
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The need for an innovative halo effect

Traditionally, much like China, Korea is known to use a bench-mark model which means taking proven business models and bringing them to Korea. But gradually, people are trying to move away from this and be truly innovative.

“Conglomerates are acting a bit selfishly by trying to buy start-ups to add to their portfolio. But when they become less conservative, less self-serving and things become an equal platform, thereby allowing start-ups to grow, I think it will create a halo effect for the young generation of entrepreneurs to take their ideas and go global with the right amount of backing.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Korean Start-Ups : Starting the New Wave

“10 years ago, everyone on the street was doing a start-up,” says Sean Park of Seoul Space. Like much of the world, after the tech bubble burst in the early 2000’s, many Korean tech start-ups retreated from the market. But now Korea is experiencing a new resurgence in start-ups.

I recently travelled to Seoul to scope out the start-up eco-system there. I was only there for a few days, I thought that the Korean tech start-up scene was still relatively nascent, but the right elements are starting to form.

To better understand the position of Korean entrepreneurialism and the direction it is heading, I talked with a few locals about their perceptions.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Things are starting to change – the rise of the little guys

Richard Min, GM of Seoul Space, a start-up incubator, says Korea has a ‘Galapagos Island’ effect similar to China, in the sense that big international companies that fail to adapt to the cultural nuances of Korea’s culturally homogenous society get killed. Although Korea is indeed the most wired country in the world (highest number of internet users per capita – 81%) but even so, “no one really knows what’s going on here. Nokia came and gave up, Walmart got bought out by a local Korean company, Yahoo and Google have been beaten by Naver and everyone was getting their butt kicked.”




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Then, the iPhone entered and “ it has been like a Trojan horse, where all of a sudden small Korean developers can access outside Korea,” says Min. Apple’s successful penetration is one of the triggers for small developers to try new things.

Entrepreneurs by necessity

An Economist article reported that 346,000 graduates in Korea are currently out of work, up from 268,000 two years ago. Some of them have become entrepreneurs out of necessity: almost 30,000 young South Koreans say they want to launch their own companies. And according to the government, the number of “one-man creative enterprises” in the country has risen by 15% in the past year, to 235,000.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Korean Government wants their own Mark Zuckerberg – but needs help

South Korea’s President, Lee Myung-bak, announced that Korea needs its own Mark Zuckerberg. So in an effort to spur entrepreneurialism and risk taking, they have started to set up government incubators and funds that provide resources and incentive structures such as tax-breaks. The city has launched a “Youth 1,000 CEO Project” to provide young entrepreneurs with free office space and grants of up to 1m won per month.

“But the problem is that they are approaching it in a very academic way. What they are missing is the actual guts of it and asking ‘what does it really mean to grow a company?’


