Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

What is the secret of this tiny country high up in the Pyrenees Mountains? Perhaps, its quiet location has created a relatively stress-free life-style which has made Andorra the world champion in the global competition for long life, at least according to the latest US Census Department estimates.
Dr. Albert is convinced that living in the mountains is , in general, healthier both for mind and body. "It is because we have this natural environment that we have such good health," he said.But even in this land-locked little country, times are changing and the older generation worries that the slow spread of fast food, video games, and the like, may have a negative impact on the length of life which people expect.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Perhaps no ancient monument has been the subject of as much speculation as England's Stonehenge.
What caused these primitive people to devote so much time and energy to this astonishing project?
Dr.Hawkins stated that each significant stone in the monument lined up with at least one other stone to point to some position of the sun or moon.This may have been an accurate method of determining the length of the year. Today this is the most popular theory of all. In an agricultural society this would have been extremely useful information. Also Stonehenge may have been used to calculate the cycle of eclipses. This would have been important to religious leaders.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I wrote a post a while ago, arguing that it will be impossible (in the case of China) for that many daily deal sites to survive, forcing a new group buying model based on customer loyalty to emerge. In Korea, there are around 600 daily deal sites and of course they too will face the same pressures. But now, Spoqa, a Korean start-up is aiming to solve the problem of one-off deals that potentially hurt the merchants.

Richard Choi, CEO and co-founder of Spoqa explains that “there are a lot of problems with social commerce right now. A study showed that 42% of Groupon restaurant deals were unprofitable, so we want to solve that problem.”




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Ryan breaks out key examples from the top 10 to 12 game developers that Facebook pays special attention to. Aside from the usual suspects of Zynga, Playdom, Crowdstar and Playfish, there were shoutouts to 6waves (now 6waves Lolapps), Kabam, Kixeye, PopCap, GSN, Digital Chocolate, Wooga, Double Down Casino and Playtika. Ryan characterizes most of these — with the notable exception of PopCap — as young companies that didn’t even exist four years ago, and now many of them are making successful exits or raising large amounts of capital. So clearly, he argues, there’s still a lot of growth to be had on Facebook and other platforms for developers looking to enter the social games space.


ライアンはフェイスブックが特に関心を持っているトップ12のゲーム開発者から一例を挙げる。いつも名が挙がるZynga、プレイダム、クラウドスター、プレイフィッシュの他に、6waves(現6waves Lolapps)、カバム、Kixeye、ポップキャップ、GSN、デジタル・チョコレート、ウーガ、ダブル・ダウン・カジノ、プレイティカの名が上げられていた。ライアンはこれらの多く-ポップキャップには注目すべき違いがあるが-を、4年前には存在すらしなかった若い会社とみなし、その多くが今良い結果を出したり多額の資金調達を得たりしている。ソーシャル・ゲーム界に入ろうとしている開発者にとって、フェイスブックや他のプラットフォーム上での成長はまだまだたくさん期待できる、彼ははっきり断言する。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Going forward this year, Ryan says that Facebook hopes to restore a lot of the virality that games lost following the crackdown on the news feeds and other channels from last year. By working with developers, he hopes to help games find better ways of generating the kinds of news stories that players’ friends will want to click on. On Facebook’s side, the team is looking into sorting games by genre in a way that allows the platform to suggest games of similar genre to dedicated players. For example, by playing hidden object games, Facebook would know to show you ads for other hidden object games instead of ads for fashion games.

