Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

This Regina is outstanding both in sound quality's and appearance .The measurements are 17 inches wide, 14 inches deep, 11 inches high with the lid closed and 24 inches high with the lid open.According to Regina Music Box Company records this Regina No 44559 is listed as a Style 16 in a Mahogany Case was Shipped from The Regina Music Box Factory in Rahway New Jersey on April 17 1900 to Henry Gautschi and Sons Music Showrooms 1030 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania .A full complement of 21 original Regina 12 1/4 inch music discs accompany the purchase of this great sounding music box.


レジーナは音品質と外見の両方で傑出しています。サイズは幅17インチ、奥行き14インチ、高さは蓋が閉じられた状態では11インチ、蓋があけられた状態では24インチです。レジーナ・ミュージックボックス・カンパニーの記録によればこのレジーナNo 44559はスタイル16としてマホガニーケース入りで出品され、ラーウェイ・ニュージャージーのレジーナ・ミュージックボックス・ファクトリーから1900年4月17日にペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアチェストナット通り1030のヘンリー・ガウチ・アンド・サンズ・ミュージック・ショールームへ発送されたとされています。この素晴らしい音を奏でるミュージックボックスをお買い求めになると、完全にそろった21枚のオリジナルのレジーナ12.25インチミュージックディスクがついてきます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Grab your cordless drill with a Phillips head (star) bit and attach these holds super fast!
‘Pre-drilled and pure urethane’, are the two things you want to hear when referring to screw-on holds. They give you an unbreakable, easy-to-install product. All you need is a cordless drill and at least ¾-inch-thick (or thicker) wood attached to a frame and you are ready to go!Foot holds, hand holds, challenging shapes, and plenty of fun, easier-to-grab climbing holds make up this priced-to-sell set of screw-on holds. There're more than a handful of two-handed jugs in there!
These holds have 3/16-inch, pre-drilled holes in them and attach with #6 x 15/8-inch zinc-plated screws for a wood wall.

