Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I understand that this is frustrating and I completely empathize with you. However please understand that the decision to allow sellers to list this item only relies with the manufacturer and the categories team.

Thus in order to list this item, you need to contact the manufacturer directly and request for authorization to list this product. After which you will have to contact our category management team with the authorization for listing this item for review.

You may attach the authorization document when you are writing in to our categories. Our categories team will definitely consider your case and allow you to list after you obtain the authorization.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

(F)We have our own "in house " design and production facilities for manufacturing output and power transformers.
We use the finest materials including Z11 and H18 long grain annealed directed steel sheets,
Hand wound with low-oxygen copper cable. Our transformer designers have many year experience in the audio field.
This combination of design,materials and skill enables us to manufacture output transformers with the highest sonic qualities
and power transformers that are very efficient and reliable, with low noice .
At the Las Vegas Audio & Electronics Fair in 2001, aMei Xing power amplifier from our factory was acclaimed as "Amazing Audio work".


2001年のラスベガスのオーディオ&エレクトロニクスフェアでは、当社工場のMei Xingパワーアンプは「素晴らしいオーディオ作品」と賞賛を受けました。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Ming Da products from the Mei Xing Factory.
The only manufacture specially producing valve amplifier products in China.
The Factory opened in 1991. Our factory has a complete range of production equipment for making our own transformers
and and chassis components. Our products are exported to more than 20 countries around the world.

Tha main features of our products are as follows:
(A) Heavy weight Stainless steel and alloy plate construction.
Many models are supplied with an attractive stainless steel & Plexiglas valve cover.
(B) Hand built and wired. "Point to Point" wiring using high quality copper cable and American made Teflon silver cable for audio signals.


Mei Xing工場のMing Da製品

(A) 重量ステンレススチール及び合金プレート構造物

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

What is "The House Show"? If we told you everything, then we'd have to kill you...

What we can tell you is this: "The House Show" is YTG's first site-specific show. A "site-specific show" is a piece of Theatre that is created especially for one location. In this case, the performance location is someone's private house: the show will be acted in his actual living room. The story of the play involves three criminals, a crime, a victim, and a dog.

The location of the show will be secret until you've purchased your ticket (which you must do online... see below). Latecomers will not be admitted, so be on time!

The show will be performed by the Yokohama Theatre Ensemble as directed by our summer intern Thijs van Elten.





ショーは横浜シアターアンサンブルによる上演で、我々のサマーインターンのThijs van Elten監督によるものだ。

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1. apple iphone 5
2. Lightning to USB cable (every iphone 5 user may need 3-5 cables at least)
3. Lightning to 30-pin adapter (Use this intelligent and ultracompact adapter to connect your 30-pin accessories to devices featuring the Lightning connector. )
4. apple earpods with remote and mic (another new release. review is very good. compatible to all apple products)

All products we are talking about are referring to genuine apple products, not the generic products.

Please let us know if you are interested in any of these products.


1. アップルiphone5
2. USBケーブルへのライトニング(iphone5ユーザーは少なくとも3~5本のケーブルが必要になるでしょう)
3. 30-ピンアダプタへのライトニング(このインテリジェントでウルトラコンパクトなアダプタを使ってあなたの30-ピンアクセサリをライトニングコネクタ機能のある機器へ接続します)
4. リモコンとマイクロフォンのついたアップルのイヤーポッド(もう1つのニューリリース。レビューはとても良いです。全てのアップル製品と互換性があります)

