Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

"HAUNTED" was created in rehearsal by the Yokohama Theatre Summer Ensemble, based on a theme decided after an intense rehearsal session spent exploring the house.

The next 2 months were used to create material related to the theme, to prune and refine the best of it, and then finally to fold it into a show with the help of our guest director RTG.

The show would not have been possible without the cooperation of the homeowner NS, who kindly allowed us to take over her house for a week.

The Ensemble would also like to thank SH for allowing us the use of her ballet studio in Ikegami for rehearsals.

The Saturday, Aug 3 19:00 performance is sold out.

All payment for House Show tickets must be made IN ADVANCE.







gloria English → Japanese
Original Text


①Thank you for contacting Amazon Seller Support.

I tried to contact you on ●● the number listed on your account, on 01 August 2013 at 10:38 GMT, but I was unable to reach you.

I have reviewed the details on case ● and can confirm that the buyer has been refunded.

I have sent a request to our Customer Service department for them to contact the buyer to advise them to contact you with regards to Order ID: # ●.

If you need any further assistance you can click on the link below to contact us for more information.

②As you registered your account on 10 February 2013 the monthly subscription is charged on the 10th of every month and is shown on your Payment Statement under the "Selling Fees" section.








②2013年2月10日にお客様のアカウントが登録されており、ご契約には毎月10日に料金が課金され、Selling Fees(販売料金)セクションの下のPayment Statement(決済状況)に表示されます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You can access your Payments Reports at any time by clicking on the “Reports” tab and then selecting “Payments”.

You can click on the "Date Range Reports" tab within each report and download a "Monthly Summary Report". This report provides a summary of the transactions on your account each month and includes income, expenses and transfers. The monthly subscription fee appears under the expenses section.

For your information I have attached copies of a Payment Report and Monthly Summary Report and highlighted the sections where the monthly subscription deduction is shown.



お好きなときにいつでも、レポートタブをクリックしてPayment Report(決済レポート)にもアクセスし、Payment(決済する)を選択することができます。

各レポート内のDate Range Reports(日付範囲レポート)タブをクリックしてMonthly Summary Report(月次概要レポート)をダウンロードできます。このレポートでは毎月お客様のアカウント上に取引の概要が表示されます。これには収入、支出及び送金が含まれます。毎月の契約証は支出セクションの下に表示されます。

ご参考までに、Payment Report(支払いレポート)とMonthly Summary Report(月次概要レポート)、及び毎月のご契約の控除が表示されたハイライト付きセクションのコピーを添付します。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We issued a full refund of $592.80 on Aug 01, 2013 to the buyer. As described in the eBay Buyer Protection program, the refund includes the purchase price, plus original shipping. This amount will be deducted from your PayPal account or charged to your preferred reimbursement payment method. The hold on this PayPal transaction has been removed. This case is closed.

This case has been decided in the buyer's favor.

Unfortunately, we didn't receive any tracking information before the case was escalated to eBay Customer Support. If you did upload tracking, please wait until the package is scanned as delivered before appealing the decision.

You can also view the details of this case in the Resolution Center.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

These and other such efforts (including but not limited to after-the-fact discounts, inflated or additional terms, and selling or attempting to sell under names or through businesses and/or locations not complying with MAAP restrictions) employed to circumvent the purpose of the MAAP pricing will be viewed as not keeping within the spirit of our request and will subject the customer to possible termination from selling BMC products.

INTERNET DEALERS/CUSTOMERS: Accounts must receive prior written notification to sell or promote any Bal Manufacturing products on the internet. Customers may only sell BMC products on the websites/URLs listed on this application and the Approved Online Dealer Certificate.



インターネットディーラー/カスタマー:インターネット上でBal Manufacturing製品を販売促進するための書面の通知が事前にアカウントに届きます。カスタマーはこのアプリケーションと承認済みオンラインディーラー認定書に記載のウェブサイト/URL上のBMC製品だけを販売することができます。

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

WARRANTY: All products manufactured by BMC, are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship
Product warranty does NOT apply to normal wear and tear or product damaged or destroyed through abuse or goods or product soiled through no fault of BMC. Merchandise returned for warranty will be repaired or replaced with new or reconditioned parts at our discretion. Discontinued items will be repaired if replacement parts are available or replaced with an item similar to original purchase

In order to protect the integrity of our brand/s and our customer’s marketing investments, Bal Manufacturing Co. BMC is implementing Manufacturers Allowed Advertised Pricing, or MAAP, for our registered brands:RAM



当社のブランドの品位及びカスタマーのマーケティング投資を保護するため、当社の登録ブランドのRAMについては、Bal Manufacturing Co. BMCは製造者が認めた広告価格、略してMAAPを実施しています。