Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Musicians and cooks for instance, are usually musicians and cooks by the time they are four or five years old. Physicians usually decide on their careers in their teens, if not earlier
But most people, especially highly gifted people, do not really know where they belong until they are well past their mid-twenties. By that time, however, they should know the answers to the three questions: What are my strengths? How do I perform? and. What are my values? And then they can and should decide where they belong.
Or rather, they should be able to decide where they do not belong. The person who has learned that he or she does not perform well in a big organization should have learned to say no to a posi-tion in one.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

So, what we do, is bring all of that data together into a unified, comprehensive solution, so they can manage all of that activity and data in one place. Initially, we're supporting Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla, and Twitter Places. With Twitter Places, we're only aggregating explicit engagement with an actual location, because you need that structural element of the data.How did the company come about?
Rob Reed: I was doing social media strategy consulting from 2007 until 2009, what I would really characterize as Social Media 1.0. That occurred as what I might consider as the end of the PC era, where people were using browsers and PCs to get online.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

First off, where does MomentFeed fit into the location based marketing market?

Rob Reed: The position of MomentFeed, is that it is essentially a layer in the location based services stack. It combines all of the approaches, from a market point of view, that companies like Starbucks, McDonald's, or Walmart would be interested in. They have an interest in all of the data being generated through location based services apps, which give them an opportunity to connect with consumers. However, they want to be impartial, in terms of what those apps are, and whatever ones that consumers are engaging with at locations, they want to have access to that data.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

With the rise of location-based check-ins from Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook, Twitter, and others, there's suddenly lots more data that marketers want to parse through to make sense of how consumers are interacting with their brands. Los Angeles-based MomentFeed (www.momentfeed.com) is looking to sort through that data to help marketers better tap into location based, social networking. The firm announced a funding round last week, from DFJ Frontier, DFJ JAIC, Gold Hill Capital, and angel investors Gil Elbaz (Factual), Auren Hoffman (Rapleaf), and Walter Kortschak (Summit Partners), and many others. We talked with Rob Reed, about the firm, his experience with AngelList, and where the firm goes next.


フォースクエア、ゴワラ、フェイスブック、ツイッターやその他のサイトからのロケーションベースのチェックインの流行により、消費者がそれらのブランドとどのように相互作用しているのか解明するためにマーケッターが分析したいデータが急激に増えた。ロサンゼルスに基盤を持つモーメントフィード(www.momentfeed.com)は、マーケッターがより上手くロケーションベースのソーシャルネットワークに進出する手助けとするためにデータを整理しようとしている。同社は先週、DFJフロンティア、DFJ JAIC、ゴールド・ヒル・キャピタル、それからエンジェル投資者のジル・エルバス(ファクチュアル)、オーレン・ホフマン(ラップリーフ)、ウォルター・コルチャック(シュミット・パートナーズ)や他の投資家からの資金調達ラウンドを発表した。私たちはロブ・リードに、同社について、彼のエンジェルリストでの経験、そして同社が次にどこへ行こうとしているのかについて話を聞いた。