zhizi Translations

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About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Tencent’s Pony Ma: The government should embrace the internet, support tech companies financially

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Pony Ma’s NPC proposals also focus on improving China’s startup environment. According to Sina Tech, he has so far made three proposals:

・The government should support startups by pushing big companies to create epayment, microfinance, and capital investment platforms that will improve the startup supply chain. The government should also establish its own organizations to support and invest in startups, as well as cracking down on IP violations and law-breaking.


Tencent社Pony Ma氏による提案:政府はインターネットを受け入れ、テック業界を金銭的に支援するべき

驚くことでもないと思うが、Pony Ma氏がNPCで提案したことも、中国のスタートアップ環境を改善することに重点が置かれている。Sina Techによると、同氏は次の3つの提案をしている。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu’s Robin Li: Don’t require real names to use public wi-fi

Robin Li’s proposal to the CPPCC is focused on making public wi-fi faster and easier to use. According to Sina Tech, the current regulations governing public wifi require wifi providers to track and store users real names, and what sites they visited. Public wifi time is also limited, and logging in is difficult. Li’s proposals states:

Under the current system, wi-fi loses the convenience and speed that was originally the point, and raises the difficulty and threshold for using wi-fi to the extent that many people have just given up on it. When you make users take one extra step, you lose 90 percent of them.


Baidu社Robin Li氏による提案:公共のwi-fi利用に実名を要求するべきではない。

Robin Li氏がCPPCCで行った提案は、公共のwi-fiサービスをより早く簡単に利用できるようにすることだ。Sine Techによると、公共のwi-fiを取り締まる現行の規則で、wifiプロバイダーはユーザーの実名とユーザーがどのサイトを訪れたかを追跡し保管するよう義務づけられている。また、公共wifiは制限がされていて、ログインも難しい。Li氏の提案は次の通りだ。
