yuzo mikimoto (yuzo-mikimoto) Translations

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About 9 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English
Gaming IT Business Website Contracts Marketing Finance
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Advocates are customers or employees who are passionate about a brand and who help proselytize its products. Influitive focuses on B2B marketing, with an emphasis on challenges and rewards. It claims to help maintain for its 250+ customers an active monthly roster of about 20,000 advocates.

Advocacy marketing, when it works, can be a terrific lever for a business. Research firm Gartner, for instance, has found that the top source for 60 percent of business buyers looking to understand a technology provider’s competitive differences is other people in similarly sized companies.




yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Influitive offers an online community with exclusive content such as more info about a brand’s products, plus the ability to network with other fans. “Challenges” are tailored to each community member, based on usage, age, geography, and other factors, and may include actions like writing a review or sharing a referral.

Successfully completed challenges generate points, which can be traded for swag, discounts, or other goodies.

CEO and founder Mark Organ told me via email that HP Software wanted to stay in regular communication with customers so they were up-to-date on the company’s latest products.




CEOを務める創業者のMark Organ氏は、EメールでHP Softwareの話をしてくれた。最新製品の最新情報を最速のタイミングで伝えるため、同社は顧客との間に定期的なコミュニケーションの窓口を欲しがっていたそうだ。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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Elon Musk: Tesla Model S ‘ends range anxiety’ with smart navigation, trip planner

Earlier this week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk teased us Model S owners with a tweet promising to “end range anxiety.”

In a press conference this morning, Musk revealed the goods: an over-the-air firmware update that, while not increasing the range of the car, will at least set the driver’s mind at ease about how far he can really go before the juice runs out.

Firmware version 6.2 is now in beta testing and, according to Musk, will be sent out to the Model S fleet at large in about ten days.


TeslaのModel S、“走行距離不安症”の解消へ Elon Musk氏が新機能を発表

今週頭に、われわれModel Sオーナーが一時騒然となる出来事があった。Tesla社CEOのElon Musk氏が、「走行距離不安症に終止符を打つ」と約束するツイートを出したのだ。


Musk氏によると、新たなファームウェアとなる ver. 6.2は現在βテストの最中で、あと10日ほどでModel Sシリーズの車種全般にリリースされるということだ。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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Range Assurance

The centerpiece of the upgrade is a Range Assurance app that will constantly assess whether the Model S has enough juice to reach its destination.

The app constantly monitors outside temperature, elevation changes, wind, driving speed, and heat/AC use. If the app determines that range is insufficient to reach the destination, it will warn the driver well in advance.

The app will make it “effectively impossible to run out of range unintentionally,” according to Musk.

He described the app as “incredibly good,” and said that early testing has shown it to be accurate within less than one percent.

Less than one percent? Wow.

Frankly, I’ll believe that when I see it. (Guess I’ll see in about ten days.)



アップグレードの目玉となるのは「Range Assurance」というアプリ。残りの充電でModel Sが目的地に到達できるかどうか、コンスタントにチェックする機能があるという。






yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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Trip Planner

A second app in 6.2 is a Trip Planner that selects the optimal route to a destination based on charger locations. The car will communicate with various Supercharger stations to determine which are operational and available, and select a route accordingly.

The app will also take into account the much slower Tesla destination chargers now proliferating at hotels and restaurants around the country. It will give priority to the Superchargers, Musk said.

The Trip Planner will also notify drivers when their cars are charged sufficiently to reach the next Supercharger.



Ver. 6.2にはもう1つ目玉となるアプリがある。充電スタンドの場所に応じて目的地への最適ルートを選択する「Trip Planner」というアプリだ。内容としては、Model Sが各地のSupercharger(Tesla社の充電ステーション)と通信を行い、営業中のスタンド、利用可能なスタンドを判断。それに応じてルートを選択するという仕組みだ。


他にも、ある程度充電が進んで次のSuperchargerまでの移動が可能になると、Trip Plannerからドライバーに通知が行く機能も備わっているそうだ。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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He described the trip planning app as “intelligent cars and intelligent charging stations communicating with each other in a big network.”

In addition, the new firmware will upgrade the sound system and improve radio reception. A “valet mode” will limit power, speed, and screen displays.

Finally, 6.2 will improve the “feel of the accelerator and brakes.” Musk did not elaborate on precisely what this meant.

For sensor-equipped Model S’s built since last October, version 6.2 will also include some of the promised autopilot features, such as auto-emergency braking and blind-spot warning.

Oh, one more thing: If you have a P85D, your top speed is now 155 mph. Enjoy.




最後に、Ver. 6.2は「アクセルとブレーキの感触」が向上する。ただし、Musk氏はこの部分について具体的なことを述べていない。

昨年10月から出ているセンサー搭載型のModel Sについては、かねてから約束されていた自動運転機能がVer. 6.2で実現している。自動緊急ブレーキ機能や、ブラインドスポット ワーニング(盲点の警告)といった機能がそうだ。


yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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More coming

As is his wont, Musk also teased firmware version 7.0 for sensor-equipped cars, due out in about three months. It will include more of the long-promised auto-pilot functions, primarily an auto-steering mode for highway driving. According to Musk, the auto-steering has already been successfully tested on a San Francisco-to-Seattle run without the driver ever touching the wheel.

7.0 will also include a Summon mode, in which the car will drive itself to or from a given location — garage to front step, for example. This feature can only be enabled on private property.



Musk氏は他にも、センサー搭載型モデル向けのファームウェア、Ver. 7.0に言及。いつもながらのティーザー広告的手法だが、こちらは3ヶ月ほど先にリリースを見込んでいるという。このアップデートでは、待望の自動運転機能が実現する。主に、ハイウェイ走行を想定した自動ハンドル操作機能だ。Musk氏によると、自動ハンドル操作機能はすでに実証試験が済んでおり、成果も上々とのこと。サンフランシスコ〜シアトル間のテスト走行で、ドライバーは一度もハンドルに触らなかったという。

Ver. 7.0では「Summon(召喚)」モードも実装される見込み。このモードを選ぶと、車が任意の2地点間、たとえばガレージから正面入口までを自分で移動する。なお、この機能が使えるのは私有地のみとなる。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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Put to the test

For me personally, the timing of update 6.2 and its Range Assurance app couldn’t be better. In 12 days, I’m scheduled to depart on a 2,700-mile cross-country drive from my winter retreat in Carpinteria, California back home to Mountainville, New York.

Will the Range Assurance app really be accurate to within one or two miles out of 265?

If so, it will be a huge step forward for Model S drivers on long trips. Range anxiety will indeed be a thing of the past.

Stay tuned.

This story originally appeared on Green Car Reports.



筆者個人の話をすると、Ver. 6.2のアップデートとRange Assuranceアプリは、またとないタイミングでやって来た願ってもないニュースだ。というのも、筆者は12日後に長旅を控えているからだ。冬の間の避難先であるカリフォルニア州カーピンテリアから、ニューヨーク州マウンテンビルに戻る、アメリカ横断2700マイルの旅だ。

ここで気になるのがRange Assuranceの精度だ。このアプリはどんなルートを選ぶのだろう。Model Sの走行限界は265マイルとされているが、その1〜2マイル手前のぎりぎりのところで、うまい具合に充電スタンドを見つけてくるのだろうか?

そうだとすれば、Model Sで長距離を走るドライバーにはたいへん大きな一歩だ。“走行距離不安症”は、正真正銘、過去の遺物となるだろう。


この記事はGreen Car Reportsに最初に掲載されたものです。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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30 years of .com domains

March 15, 1985, might not be a date etched in your memory (if, indeed, you were even alive), but that was when the first .com (“dot com”) domain name was born — 30 years ago this weekend, as it happens.

A computer manufacturer called Symbolics registered Symbolics.com at a time when it quite literally had the choice of any word or name on the planet to procure for its domain. But given the company’s name, well, Symbolics.com made the most sense.




この日、コンピュータの製造を手がけるSymbolicsという企業がSymbolics.comというドメイン名を登録している。当時はどんな言葉でもドメイン名に使うことができた。それこそ、地球上に存在するどんな言葉や名前でも使えたが、同社の名前を考慮すれば、 Symbolics.comというドメイン名は一番的を射たものだった。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Today, that name is still registered and active, making it officially the oldest .com on the Internet, though it was bought by a small investment group called XF.com in 2009, and the portal now offers “unique and interesting facts pertaining to business and Internet history,” according to the site’s About us page.

While “dot com” eventually became synonymous with the Internet, lending its name to a bubble that ultimately crushed the hopes and dreams of many in Silicon Valley and beyond, in the early days, when the World Wide Web was a mere twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee‘s eye, the dot-com domain took a while to take off.



「ドットコム」はいつしか「インターネット」とほぼ同じ意味になり、バブルの形成に力を貸した。そのバブルは、シリコンバレーとその外の世界で多くの人の夢と希望を粉々にする結果となった。とはいえ、ドットコムがまだ初期段階にあった頃—―ちなみに、この当時World Wide Webは実現さえしておらず、その考案者であるTim Berners-Lee氏の頭の中にしか存在していなかった— —.comドメインはなかなか普及しきれずにいた。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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1990 was a key year for the Internet, as this was when the World Wide Web came to life out of a room at CERN in Switzerland — it was this that gave the Internet a proper usable interface. Up to that point, the Internet could be used for communicating in boring old text, but with the web, this brought in sounds, pictures, and general prettiness — a user-focused interface, or “user interface.”

In the 25 years since then, many milestone dot-com moments have taken place — Microsoft.com (1993), AOL.com (1995), Amazon.com (1995), eBay.com (1995), Google.com (1997), Facebook.com (2004, as “thefacebook.com”), YouTube.com (2005), and Twitter.com (2006).


1990年はインターネットにとって重要な年だ。この年、スイスにあるCERNの一室でWorld Wide Webが誕生した。まともに使えるインターフェイスがインターネットに与えられた瞬間である。それまでのインターネットも昔ながらのありきたりなテキストを通信できたが、ウェブの登場で音声や画像も伝達できるようになった。また、一般向けの美しい外見__ユーザーを意識したインターフェイス、すなわち「ユーザーインターフェイス」が取り入れられたのもこの時だ。

それから25年の間に、数々の画期的なドットコムが誕生することになる。1993年のMicrosoft.comを皮切りに、AOL.com(1995年)、Amazon.com(1995年)、eBay.com((1995年)、Google.com(1997)、Facebook.com(2004年。当初のドメインは “thefacebook.com” だった)、YouTube.com(2005年)、Twitter.com(2006年)などが次々と産声を上げた。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese
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While .com domains remain as popular as ever, finding one that isn’t a ludicrous combination of letters, numbers, or compound words is difficult. This is partly why other top-level domains have cropped up over the years, including .net and .org, while local countries have their very own domains, such as .co.uk in the U.K. or .de in Germany. But the world wants more top-level domains, which is why the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has opened up applications for more locally focused ones such as .NYC for New York-based firms, or .dev for developers (though Google might have something to say about that).


このように、.comドメインの人気はかつてない高まりを見せている。その一方で、意味のある文字なり数字なり言葉なり、希望の組み合わせが見つかりにくくなったのも事実だ。最近では.com以外のトップレベルドメイン、たとえば.netや.orgなども増えてきたが、その裏にはこういった事情もある。英国の.co.ukや、ドイツを表す.deなど、国ごとのドメインも増えてきた。とはいえ、まだまだ十分とは言えない。もっと多くのトップレベルドメインが必要だ。だからこそ、ドメイン名を管理するICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) は、.NYC(ニューヨークを拠点とする企業向け)や.dev(開発会社向け。これについてはGoogleから物言いがつくかもしれない)など、よりローカル色の強いドメインを認めるようになったのだ。

yuzo-mikimoto English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Lamido was a Lazada venture originally set up to offer a consumer marketplace platform separated from Lazada. Over the last year, third party sales have become the dominant driver of Lazada’s sales explosion with the share of third party sales growing from less than 10 percent, at the time of Lamido’s launch, to 75 percent today. With the rapid growth of both Lazada and Lamido marketplaces, we have experienced an increasing overlap between the customer and seller bases across the two platforms. Given the many synergies between the Lazada and Lamido brands, it is thus a natural step to combine their offerings.

