【We have shipped your order】Thank you for your shopping.We are the customer center of Amazon.Your item is on the delivery from our depot in the U.S. toward to the airport.Due to shipment being crowded, it takes for a while besides there would not much delay.After shipped out from the airport, Fedex will be arrived at your adress in Japan within minimum from four days to seven days until maximum ten days.Track your shipment from here.Your item has been shipped toward to your adrress after being examined and packed
Would you please send more packages at the next time?The last time, because all packages out of three cartons were damaged, we are running out of boxes.Each package has damage on the left side of the top. If you could improve this part, damage they would not be damaged.Recently, we visited a company making packages in Japan and consulted about package production.They said they can produce durable packages.They are supplying packages to Sony products, so can we purchase packages from the company and send them to you?
同じく3日午後 ABC小学校の1~3年生はDEFボランティアのSuzuki氏とともに、竹とんぼを作った。GHIでは高校生向けの講演活動と並行して、小学生向けの企画もこのほど始動しており、今回が初めての試みだった。「子どもたちに楽しみながら竹やぶについての知識を深めてもらえれば」とSuzuki氏は話す。
On the same 3rd afternoon, students in from 1st to 3rd grade of ABC elementary school crafted "taketombo" with Mr. Suzuki of the DEF volunteer. As providing lectures for high school students, GHI has just started activities for elementary school student with this the first trial. Mr. Suzuki told us that " I hope children would earn deeper konwledge about bamboo forest with having fun."