The scheme, which picked up the Brand Experience & Activation Grand Prix at the festival’s awards last night, sees 18,000 events held in Apple stores around the world every week. The focus particularly is on education, both in terms of helping consumers understand technology, but also the creative or liberal arts.This links back to something founder Steve Jobs said in 2011: “It is in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing.”
その企画は、昨夜の広告祭で「Brand Experience & Activation」部門のグランプリを受賞したことで話題となっており、世界中のアップルストアで毎週18,000ものイベントが開かれるとみられる。特に注目なのが教育であり、消費者のテクノロジーに対する理解を助けるとともに、独創性やリベラルアーツにも焦点をあてている。これは創立者であるスティーブ・ジョブズ氏が2011年に発言したことを思い起こさせる。「技術だけでは不十分だ。つまり技術とリベラルアーツを組み合わせ、そして人間らしさを兼ね備えることこそがアップルのDNAを形作り、心をふるわせる結果を生み出すのだ。」
As a result, the teams at retail had to evolve too. While Ahrendts has been leading a mass redesign of the stores to what are now referred to as “town squares”, in a bid to drive a sense of community, she has also been rethinking who services those spaces.The renowned Apple Geniuses continue to exist, but so too do new “creative pros” as a result. These are to the liberal arts what the genius is to technology, she explained. Today there are 3,500 of them worldwide, who all teach everything from photography to art, music and design skills in store.
That objective is currently rolling out worldwide, with Apple upping the size of its retail footprint (doubling and tripling some of the existing ones in the process) in order to make space for the boardrooms and educational forums accordingly. Upcoming new openings include a legacy theatre renovation.Retail isn’t dying, said Ahrendts, but it’s evolving fast and it’s only through focusing on human needs that you can today survive. Apple dedicates 40% of its staff hours to service and support and a third of its square footage, she noted. All of that is aiming to cement the notion of the company being primarily a “human” business.