相澤 (yousu_k) Translations

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Over 8 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English
Export Industry Import Industry
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yousu_k English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

honestly, i hate wearing watches. but i need a XXXwatch for my collection. was jus gonna buy this $200 plastic white one. cause jus sold my old watch. basically same as this one but the multi-color camo. so am lil hesitant about this one cause the last one was jus, jus 'too much watch' for me. but i have a soft spot for green 1st camo. jus be fair with me and 100% should be able to pay today. paypal for some reason won't let me make any payments but have more than needed jus on my balance. if u want jus send invoice to me. and will jus pay it when i get up. hopefully won't need to call paypal. but ( knock on wood ) don't see any reason can't pay u asap asap today. honestly appreciate it.


正直なところ私は腕時計を身につけませんが、収集のためにxxx watchを集めています。迷彩多色の似たような古い腕時計を売ったばかりなので、この200ドルの白いプラスチック製の時計を買いたいと思っています。ただ、前回購入した似たような腕時計は私には少し大きすぎたので、若干購入を躊躇しています。正直に言いますと、私にはこの緑の腕時計を購入するにあたり、料金を本日中に満額支払えないという弱点があります。残高不足等の事由によりペイパルを通じて支払いをすることができません。もし請求書をお送りいただき私が目覚めて程なくお支払をすることをあなたが認めてくれるのなら、しかしながらペイパルを経由する必要はないと思います。本日至急支払いができないことがあなたに問題にならないことを祈っており、承認いただければ幸いです。