yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

o who is the best at returns and exchanges? At the moment, 360Buy holds that crown, with 83 percent satisfaction. But the overall customer service winner in terms of total satisfaction — according to the survey — was Amazon. The big loser? Gome.

As Chinese consumers become more demanding in the customer service department, the companies that do customer service well should enjoy a boost in sales. And those that don’t, well…let’s just say Gome and other e-tailers who are still thinking they can get away with treating customers badly should be in for a rude awakening (we hope).




yakuok English → Japanese
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The Acheevit Team Talks Work with Mig33, Shares Startup Experience [INTERVIEW]

You might recall Acheevit, a Beijing-based startup working on an interesting B2B sales solution, from our Startups in Asia Singapore event earlier this year. Basically, the company provides real-time performance information and feedback to sales teams by applying techniques from social media, analytics and gamification to increase the motivation for salespeople. We recently sat down with Nicky and Mike from Acheevit at their office in eastern Beijing to learn more about Acheevit, their experience running a startup in Beijing, and their new deal with mig33.


Acheevitチーム、Mig33との共同事業について協議、スタートアップ体験につき意見交換 [インタビュー]

読者は、今年開催された我々のStartups in Asia Singaporeのイベントより、Acheevitが北京を拠点とするスタートアップ企業で興味深いB2Bセールス戦略に取り掛かっていることをご存知だろう。基本的に、当企業は、セールス担当者のモチベーションを向上するため、ソーシャルメディア、分析内容、そしてゲーミフィケーションを適応させ、リアルタイムのパフォーマンス情報とフィードバックをセールスチームに提供している。我々は先頃、AcheevitのNickyとMikeと、北京東部に在する彼らのオフィスで会談をする機会を得、Acheevit、彼らの北京でのスタートアップ立ち上げ運営、そして彼らのmig33との新たな取引に関してより詳しく知ることができた。 

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

How To Make the Best Out of Your Brand on China’s Microblog, Weibo?

[This post is written by our guest editor, Marc Violo, who has been exploring emerging markets and their adoption of e-commerce, social and mobile Internet technology in the past decade. He is currently based in Shanghai, where he has immersed himself in a handful of digital projects with one of the leading Chinese tech companies and is scratching his head on the board of other local start-ups. Contact him via email or LinkedIn.]

2011 has been recognized as the year of microblogging in China with Sina leading as the prophet of a religion growing strong there.



[本記事は我々の客員編集者Marc Violoにより執筆されたもので、彼は新興成長市場とそれらのEコマースの導入、ソーシャルとモバイルインターネットテクノロジーについて過去10年間に渡り調査を続けてきた。彼は現在、上海を拠点とし、中国の大手テク企業の1社で多くのデジタルプロジェクトに没頭しており、その他現地のスタートアップ企業で取締役員として頭を悩ませている。彼と連絡を取りたい場合は、彼のEメール、もしくはLinkedInまで。]


yakuok English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
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By simply combining disciples of the two shepherding platforms, Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo, believers in the holy power of Weibo-ing have exceeded 350 million in just over two years. With more than a third of Weibo users connecting to this divine community through their smartphones, this phenomenon represents the fastest growing and most connected community in China up till now.

As marketers, advertisers, entrepreneurs and influencers, we all ask ourselves how can we efficiently use this social phenomenon to our advantage? But with Weibo having been around for the past two years, anyone involved in social media ought to know its basics.


先陣を切るプラットフォーム2社Tencent WeiboとSina Weiboの傘下にある企業を寄せ集めることで、由々しきWeiboを信奉する人々の数はわずか2年の間で3億5000万人を超えた。Weiboユーザーの3分の1以上がこの素晴らしきコミュニティにスマートフォンを用いてアクセスしており、この現象は、これまでに中国で最も急成長を遂げ、最もつながり率が高いコミュニティであるということを示している。


yakuok English → Japanese
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Let’s divide these features into 5 categories, which marketers should evaluate depending on their needs and what best fits their existing brand image:

・ Content drivers (purple)
・ Interactive applications (red)
・ Graphic and visual stimulus (blue)
・ Engagement enhancers (orange)
・ Data and tracking systems(green)

Weibo is a two-way communication channel between brands and their consumers. The success of a campaign lies in direct interaction and engagement with followers. Campaign managers should start by identifying what mix of features will help them best utilize their Weibo account, might it be growing brand awareness, offering a live CRM tool to customers, or conducting consumer research.



・グラフィック & ビジュアル・スティミュラス(青)
・データ & トラッキング・システム(緑)


yakuok English → Japanese
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The Pipeline of Incubation: from Startup Weekend to Startup Labs and then YSeed

To incubate startups from the ideas to fast-growing companies, you should understand what they really need at different stages. Incubation is definitely not a one-time offer: you feed the startups some money, then leave them to do whatever they want to. We need a pipeline for the incubation process.

Startup Weekend, a two-days program to help startup founders set up the team, approve the idea, work out a simple demo and receive feedback from experienced people or VCs is a good starting point. We’ve reported about the Startup Weekend Taiwan.


企業成長支援の経路:Startup Weekendに始まり、Startup Labs、そしてYSeedへ


スタートアップ企業の創始者がチームを築き上げ、アイディアを承認し、簡単なデモを作り上げ、そして経験者やベンチャーキャピタリストなどから意見を聞くことができる2日間に渡り開催されるStartup Weekendプログラムは、良い開始地点であろう。Startup Weekend 台湾に関しては、既に我々が報告したとおりだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Then the team should have more time and a small amount of funding to implement and enrich the core ideas, then have a good working product which can clearly showcase the value of the idea. This stage is where the Startup Labs fits. The Startup Labs Taiwan gives every startups 22 days to get their idea out. This so-called acceleration program awards teams 1,000,000 NTD (~US$30,000) in exchange for 8% of company equity (read our coverage on 5 startups in this program). Then for the startups, what would be the problems to solve next: user acquisition, angel or serial A funding, HR, or globalisation strategy etc. They may still need help.


チームはその後、より多くの時間といくらかの資金をもって、中核となるアイディアを実施し、強化すると良いだろう。そして、自身のアイディアの価値を明確に紹介していくため、実際に稼働中の商品を用意すると良いだろう。ここがまさにStartup Labsが適応される段階である。Startup Labs 台湾では、全てのスタートアップ企業は、アイディアを出す時間として22日間が与えられる。このいわゆる促進プログラムは、企業の資本8%と引き換えに100万新台湾ドル(~3万米ドル)を提供する(このプログラムに参加の5つのスタートアップ企業については我々の記事を参照)。そしてスタートアップ企業にとっては、新たに解決すべき問題は何かと言うことである:ユーザー獲得、エンジェル投資、シリーズA投資ラウンド、人材、またはグローバル化戦略、などである。スタートアップ企業はここでもまだ何らかの手助けが必要となるだろう。