yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

We know restaurants need menu and list of locations (ideally with directions or a map), but every industry has its necessary items. If you’re an retailer, you need product images (and they need to be good pictures). If you work in the service industry and have a business that relies heavily on customer service and referrals, put some testimonials on your site. For example, a wedding planner could have one of her recent brides write about her experience with the business. A web designer should include screenshot or link out to previous work. A hair salon could have client testimonials about a stylist’s skills and promptness. Tailor your site so that it offers the information users are likely to be looking for.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Clear Navigation

A map is useless without a legend and a website is useless without clear navigation. Make sure you use easy-to-understand and logical names for the various pages of your site — contact, about, FAQ, etc. Being clever or cryptic will just be a turnoff for users.

When developing your navigation strategy, you should consider a call to action. What is it that you want people to do on your site? Place an order? Email for a quote? Become a member? Come to your brick-and-mortar store? Call to speak with a customer service rep? Make your goals clear and obvious.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

In order to avoid delays, your new MyUS.com address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete MyUS.com address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling. This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address correction charge.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Motivating students to learn grammar is particularly important. On average, last year’s graduating high school class scored lowest on the writing section of the SAT. The 49% of graduates who took the ACT’s four subject tests also scored lower on average in English than any other subject. A 2007 National Center for Education Statistics Assessment found that just 24% of 12th graders performed at or above a “proficient level.”

Scores on similar tests are used to rate overall school performance. As Sheur put it during a recent demonstration of the app at General Assembly in New York, “Schools in Chicago were shut down last year because students didn’t know how to use apostrophes.”


文法を学ぶ上で生徒達のやる気を起させるということは特に重要である。平均的に見て、昨年度の卒業生のSATでは、筆記テストの得点が最も低かった。ACTの4科目制のテストを受けた卒業生のうち49%の生徒は、平均して英語テストの得点がその他どの科目のテストの得点よりも低かった。2007年度のNational Center for Education Statistics Assessmentの統計によると、12年生のわずか24%のみが「熟達したレベル」かそれ以上のレベルであった。

同様のテストの得点は、全体的な学校での成績を評価するため用いられる。Sheurが先頃開催されたGeneral Assembly in New Yorkでのデモンストレーション時に述べたように、「シカゴの学校は昨年数校閉鎖されたが、その理由はそれらの学校の生徒達がアポストロフィの使用方法を理解していなかったからだ」。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Internet-Based Theater Company Lives Between Cyberspace and the Stage

A small Philadelphia-based company called New Paradise Laboratories is re-creating theater for the connected generation. It’s incorporating social networks like Facebook, Skype and Chatroulette into the production and presentation of shows, pulling theater into the virtual space.

This innovative experience takes audiences through a rabbit hole on a visually stimulating online adventure. Stories evolve on social networks with multimedia components from YouTube and Sound Cloud. It can be hard to decipher what’s real and what’s fiction.



フィラデルフィアを拠点とする小規模のNew Paradise Laboratoriesと呼ばれる企業は、つながりを重要視するCジェネレーションに向けて演劇を新しいものへと改変している。Facebook、Skype、Chatrouletteなどのソーシャルネットワークを導入し、それらを製作やショーのプレゼンテーションに活かし、演劇をバーチャルの世界へと導き出している。

この革新的な体験は観衆を視覚的に刺激のあるオンラインの冒険の世界へと連れ出してくれる。YouTubeからSound Cloudに至るまでマルチメディア要素の詰まったソーシャルネットワークを題材に話は展開する。何が現実で何がフィクションなのかを判ずるのは時に困難でさえある。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Before shows open on stage, the audience gets to interact with characters on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr accounts. The theater company works with actors to develop the fictional characters on social media accounts.

“A few years ago, we realized there was a whole audience of people that weren’t really participating in theater but they really heavily influenced by the Internet. They grew up online,” said Katy Otto, NPL’s activity coordinator. “NPL had a lot of interest in making theater that would appeal to these people.”

For the production Fatebook, the company’s theater experience begins on social media. The cast list is available online and shows all the character’s online accounts.



「数年前、我々は全体的な観衆が演劇に参加しているのではなく、彼らがインターネットを影響を大きく受けていることに気づいた。彼らはオンラインで育っている」、とNPLのアクティビティ・コーディネーターのKaty Ottoは述べた。「NPLは、演劇をこれらの人々にとって魅力のあるものへと変えていくことに非常に興味を持った」。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

“What I loved the most was that I had a constant outlet for my creativity. I would follow my impulses. I was creating little pieces for my character,” she said. “After the show closed, it felt like a little death.”

In addition to molding the two characters’ lives online, the play also incorporated geo-location technology where a character guides you through a park. Audience members could download a sound file for a 45-minute guided tour in a Philadelphia park. Online audiences can take a virtual walk online via YouTube. The third act completed the play with a real-time performance in Philadelphia where the theater is based.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

VIPShop’s prospectus focuses on its leverage in online discounts, and how China’s huge amount of medium-sized cities (so-called tier-2 or tier-3 cities) means that mid- to low-range discount retailers have a sure-fire audience. In this respect, VIPShop compares itself to successful US bricks-and-mortar chains such as T.J.Maxx and Outlets, but adds that the lack of such stores on China’s streets means that it has the market cornered in e-commerce. Rivals such as Vancl, Tmall, and numerous other affordable clothing-oriented sites would beg to differ.


VIPShopの契約概要書には、当企業のオンライン・ディスカウントにおける効力、そして、中国に膨大な数の中層都市(いわゆる第2都市層や第3都市層)があるということが中級~下級のディスカウント販売店が確実に対象ユーザーを獲得しているということを意味する、という部分に焦点を置いている。そういった意味では、VIPShopは、T.J.Maxx and Outletsなど米国のモルタル積みレンガ製建築資材で知られるチェーン店などに値する企業であると考えられるが、中国の路上でこういった店舗が多く見られないということを考えると、当企業がEコマース市場において支配を得ていると考えられる。Vancl、Tmall、そしてその他多くのお手頃価格の衣料販売サイトはその意見には同意できないであろう。