yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Facebook Adds 20 Million New Users Across Asia as Social Media Grows Apace [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

A fresh snapshot of Asia’s social media landscape reveals which service dominates in each country – and it’s especially good news for Facebook, which has added more than 20 million users across Asia in the past six months.

The infographic and its stats were put together by the Singapore-based branding and PR agency WeAreSocial. It points out that Facebook now has more than 192 million users across the 24 main Asian wired nations.


Facebook、ソーシャルメディアの成長に伴いアジア圏内で2000万人の新しいユーザーを獲得 [インフォグラフィック]

"今日のインフォグラフィック" シリーズでは、アジア、そして世界のテクノロジー分野の重要な話題を視覚的に伝えるものである。



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At the centre of the Burpple app is the journal element, for saving your foodie photos into customizable ‘boxes’ that you can assign a theme and name, such as ‘home-cooked.’ In addition, looking back through your archive of images in the app, it can recall where and when you ate that. Plus, the ‘reburp’ feature allows users to share their digital dining experience with friends, or even to sort of retweet what a friend had if you find their photo so amazing. Backing all that up is the more practical aspect of giving you trustworthy eating-out recommendations (or cook-at-home recipes) from your social media circle – making it a lot more direct than digging around in Foursquare or Google Places or something.


このBurppleアプリの一番の売りはジャーナル要素で、自分の料理の写真をカスタマイズできる「ボックス」内に保存し、「手作り」などといったテーマや名前をつけることができる。さらに、アプリ内でアーカイブされた写真を閲覧し、各料理を食べた場所と日時を知ることができる。また、「reburp」という機能を利用することで、ユーザーは、友達と食事のデジタル体験を共有することができ、さらには友達の写真が素晴らしいと感じたら、その食事の内容をリツイートのような形で共有することもできる。それらの機能を支えるのは、より実用的な要素で、ソーシャルメディアサークルから得た信頼できる食事処のお勧め情報(もしくは手作りレシピ)を確認できるもので、FoursquareやGoogle Placesなどといったサイト上で情報を探し回るよりははるかに簡単な検索方法となっている。

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Despite mixing that kind of utility with an Instagram-esque funkiness, the startup has a lot of culinary competition to counter, especially from U.S.-based apps like Epicurious or Foodspotting. Perhaps early-stage buzz within smartphone-toting Singaporeans can give an initial boost in user numbers and stickiness to Burpple, allied with local knowledge of the food culture – such as with Burpple’s recent social marketing campaign that was oriented around kopi – aka: coffee – made in the Singapore style. But Burpple’s aim is international, and the startup says that its open beta saw folks in more than 39 countries start using the app.



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Elisha Ong, co-founder of Burpple, says that the app is experiencing the kind of growth seen by Instagram and Pinterest shortly after their inceptions, and that the food journal app similarly “transcends cultures and geographical boundaries.”

The other co-founder, Dixon Chan, adds:

One in four smartphone users in the world take pictures of their meals everyday [1]. These photos that would potentially tell great gastronomical adventures are often left dormant in our smartphones or get drowned out on generic social media. Burpple aims to solve that.


Burppleの共同創始者の一人Elisha Ong女史は、このアプリのサービスは開始後、InstagramやPinterestに見られるような成長を遂げており、このフードジャーナルアプリは他2アプリ同様「文化と地理的な境界」を超越するものだ、と述べた。

もう一人の共同創始者のDixon Chan氏は、このように付け加えた:


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In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Phil Libin acknowledges that China is “the hardest” market to crack – but his approach is to “do the hardest one first, jump into the deepest end of the pool first — that’s how we tend to operate.” CBC Capital, one of Evernote’s newest investors, is believed to be assisting with the planned China operations. As for the regulatory and security aspects, the WSJ quotes Mr. Libin as saying:

We worry about all of that stuff, [but] you can’t allow yourself to be paralyzed by the worries … If Chinese authorities need access to Chinese data in a lawful way I don’t think it’s realistic to say we’ll be able to stop it.


Wall Street Journalに掲載された記事で、Phil Libin氏は、中国が参入するのに「最も困難な」市場と認めている。だが、彼のアプローチは、「まずは最も困難な初めの一歩で、プールで最も深いところに飛び込むのだ。我々はそのようにして事を運ぶ傾向にある」、としている。Evernoteの最新の投資家の一社であるCBC Capitalは、当企業の中国での事業展開に向けて支援を行っていると見られている。規制と安全面においては、Wall Street JournalでLibin氏はこのように述べている:


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He mentions the possibility of allowing Evernote users in the country to choose if their data is hosted on servers in mainland China or not. Currently, the Evernote apps do support the Chinese language, but all data goes via its US servers. If Evernote does indeed set up shop in China and thereby operates under a local media/business license, it will almost certainly be required to monitor and censor text or images that contain culturally or politically sensitive information – especially where it might be shared between users, such as in Evernote’s cloud-powered ‘notebook sharing’ function.

Evernote says it has 1.1 million users in China out of its 30 million worldwide.




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The Evernote CEO has long been very active at conferences in China and around Asia. When we heard him talk in Beijing last November, he said:

We need to be in China. We don’t care about the markets [because] we don’t sell anything … The energy in China is what makes me want to be here.

But Evernote already has plenty of well-established local competition. Chinese web portal Netease (NASDAQ:NTES) already has over two million users on its similar Youdao Yunbiji service. Another local web giant, Shanda (NASDAQ:SNDA; FRA:RZP) has an Evernote-stlye cloud notes app caled MKnote, as well as a Dropbox-esque cloud backup service.




だが、現地には、既に多くの大手競合企業が存在している。中国のウェブポータルNetease(NASDAQ:NTES)は、既に類似サービスのYoudao Yunbijiと呼ばれるサービス上で、200万人ものユーザーを獲得している。もう一社の現地のウェブ大手企業Shanda(NASDAQ:SNDA、FRA:RZP)は、EvernoteのようなクラウドノートアプリMKnoteと、Dropbox風のクラウドバックアップサービスを展開している。

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Xiaomi now ships more than 500,000 units of its M1 handset each month, and it is popular because of its affordable price (1999 RMB or US$313) and good quality. According to a Sina Tech report, its factory at Nanjing now produces about 25,000 units each day, which barely meets the monthly demand. Before the product is dispatched, the phones will be tested several thousand times. The failure rate is about 1.5 percent, which means about two phones out of every 100 malfunction. It’s quite a good stat but still far from the Six Sigma standard, which is approximately 3.4 defects per million units. But it’s a good start, given that Xiaomi has only been selling hardware for a year. It should get better.


Xiaomiは現在、M1ハンドセットを毎月50万体出荷しており、手頃な価格にて入手でき(1999人民元もしくは313米ドル)、高品質であるため人気が高い。Sina Techの報告によると、当企業の南京に在する工場では、現在、毎日2万5000体を製造しており、これは月次需要をぎりぎり満たす数字である。商品が出荷される前、スマートフォンを使用し数千回の試験が行われる。不良品率は約1.5%で、100体のうちおよそ2体が不良品とみなされていることになる。これはなかなか良い統計結果であるが、Six Sigmaの100万体につき3.4体の不良品率という統計数字にはほど遠い。それをもってしても、Xiaomiがスマートフォン機器を販売開始してからまだ1年ということもあり、これは良いスタートだと言える。そしてさらに良い方向へと進んでいくことが予測される。

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Alibaba Confirms Some Taobao Staff Arrested For Accepting Bribes in ‘Recent Past’

Alibaba Group issued a statement this evening confirming reports that have been swirling for some time now, that a number of Taobao workers had in the past accepted bribes from e-commerce vendors.

According to a report this evening by Bloomberg, Taobao has closed nine online stores from those vendors, and police have made some arrests. While this news has been making fresh headlines of late, our own inquiries with the company this evening indicate that the incidents go a little ways back. An Alibaba Group spokesperson elaborates:



Alibaba Groupは今夜、しばらくの間噂として皆の口にされていた、Taobaoのスタッフ数名がEコマース販売会社より賄賂を受け取っていたという事実内容を認める声明を発表した。

Bloombergの今夜の報告内容によると、Taobaoはそれらの販売会社が運営する9つのオンラインショップを閉鎖し、警察が何名かを逮捕した模様だ。最近、このニュースは最新のトップニュースとして報告されているが、我々が今夜当企業に対して直接行った質疑セッションの内容からするに、このニュースは少し前の話になるようだ。Alibaba Groupの広報担当者はこのように詳しく述べた: