yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Yet they’re reporting a net profit of 52 million RMB ($8.2 million). This is especially puzzling given that last quarter they reported a net loss of nearly 79 million RMB ($12 million).

Apparently the LeTV partnership has been beneficial, but it still seems like there’s not much explaining the pretty dramatic turnaround from million-dollar losses to million dollar profits. The IPO effect, perhaps? Who knows. We may learn more this evening from the company’s earnings conference call.

In the meantime you can read the full unaudited Q3 report from Tudou right here (in English). And oh, Tuduo now also boasts over 96 million registered users.



実際のところ LeTV のパートナーシップは有益なものではあるが、数百万もの損失から数百万もの利益へのこの劇的な転換に関してはいまだ納得のいくような説明はない。IPO 効果であろうか?今はなんとも言えない。今夜の企業の収益コンフェレンスコール内で何か分かるかもしれない。

それまでの間、Tudou の監査前の完全版 第3四半期報告書をこちらから確認可能だ(英文)。
あともう1つ、Tudou は現在、9600万人もの登録ユーザー数を誇る。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

But remarkably, some smaller cities surpassed megacities in terms of its peoples’ online usage, although those were mostly sporadic.

Nationwide, the average amount of time spent online was 163 minutes, with those in China’s four megacities spending more time doing so, and being more likely to do it daily.

On Weibo, On Mobile

The report’s authors claim that “one in four Chinese urbanites aged 15 to 64 are now on Weibo.” Indeed, last week’s updated stats from China’s two major microblogging platforms, Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) and Tencent (HKG:0700), seem to back this up. Breaking it down by location and age, we get a clearer picture of the impact of Twitter-esque social media:





報告書の筆者は、「中国の15歳から64歳までの都会人の4名に1名は、Weibo に登録している」。実際、中国の2大マイクロブロギングプラットフォームであるSina(NASDAQ:SINA)とTencent(HKG:0700)の先週のアップデート統計により、この数字が裏付けられているようだ。ロケーションと年齢で分類してみると、このTwitter類似のソーシャルメディアの影響をより良く見てとれる。