yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website Right Now

The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, an inbound marketing software company based in Cambridge, MA, that makes a full platform of marketing software, including lead generation tools.

First, the good news: If you have a website, then you have a site that can be accessed by any mobile device with a browser. Now, the bad: Chances are, that site looks pretty crappy on said mobile device.

If you’re worried about this, you’re not alone. Just as companies realized, circa 1996, that they needed to create a website to remain relevant to consumers, history is repeating itself in mobile.



HubSpot支援のDigital Marketing Seriesは、インバウンドマーケティングソフトウェア企業でマサチューセッツ州のケンブリッジに拠点を構えており、Lead Generationツールを含む完全型マーケティングソフトウェアの構築を行っている。



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Jim Dadaos, the owner of the shop, says his web developer told him a few months back that he needed to get a mobile site “because that’s where everything is going.” Dadaos’s developer contacted DudaMobile, which created the site “within a very short time” and it’s been up and running for six months. During that time Dadaos says he’s seen a 20% spike in business. “During these times, the auto repair business is sucking, so that’s significant,” he says.

Mink and Haines offer a few tips for building a good mobile website. One thing to consider is whether your site is what Haines calls “thumb-friendly.” What that means in practice is lots of big, fat buttons.


店舗のオーナーであるJim Dadaos氏は、彼のウェブディベロッパーは数ヶ月前彼に、「全てがそこに向かっているから」と、モバイルサイトの設立の必要性を伝えた。Dadaos氏のディベロッパーはDudaMobileに連絡をとり、「あっという間に」サイトを構築し、これまで6ヶ月に渡り運営されている。この間、Dadaos氏は、ビジネスに20%の上昇が見られたと言う。「この時期、オートリペア事業は冴えないものであったため、この数字は目覚ましいものと言える」。
