yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 76-1

In Microsoft, Bill Gates created probably one of the few genuine learning organizations in the world. Externally the importance of learning was clearly signalled: the company headquarters in Redmond, Washington, organized along the lines of a university and even called the Microsoft Campus. But the commitment to continuous learning went much further than the physical environment.

In terms of establishing systems for retaining intellectual capital, Microsoft was a pioneer, often way ahead of the game. Many of the world's best known companies have followed suit by introducing systems for managing knowledge. But Gates always emphasized the importance of fostering a culture


ページ 76-1



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I do apologize
though you placed your order on 1/12/12, the Juicy Couture Watch was not
available to ship until 1/17/12. Also 1/16/12 was a US holiday and that
may have caused a slight delay in the movement of your item. Currently
the international tracking number is not yet available. You will
receive an update e-mail when this item is shipped outside the US. The
watch may be prepared to leave the US by 1/25 if not sooner.

I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced because of
the shipping time. If you have any further questions, please e-mail us
at internationalcustomerservice@macys.com.



2012年1月12日にご注文されたJuicy Coutureの時計がまだお手元に届いていないとのこと、お詫び申し上げます。こちらの時計ですが、在庫がなく2012年1月17日まで発送できておりませんでした。また2012年1月16日は米国で祝日となっており、これが理由にて商品郵送の遅れが発生した可能性もございます。現在、国際追跡番号は利用できません。こちらの商品が米国外へ発送され次第、貴方宛Eメールにて通知が届くかと思います。遅くても1月25日には米国外へと発生されると思われます。



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 54-2
Despite the numerous complaints leveled against Microsoft and the court cases and EU Commission rulings, Gates maintained a staunch defense of his company. He robustly denied that Microsoft abused its market position, stoutly defending the company's impact on the PC market. Microsoft, he felt, was the victim of unfair accusations of jealous rivals seeking to shore up their competitive position via the government or other international bodies. Rather than being anti-competitive, argued Gates, Microsoft had created the conditions necessary for the personal computing revolution, bringing society changing gains for consumers, falling prices, and a great number and variety of new products and innovations.


ページ 54-2

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 53-3
Many dropped out to write books, start new companies or chill out. Not Gates - he wrote his books The Road Ahead (1996) and Business @ the Speed of Thought (1999) whilst running his business, fending off antitrust allegations and developing a strategic response to prospering as a business in the Internet age. As he observed when asked about his plans to become a key player in Internet technology, 'The fact is that most of our operating systems competitors seem fatigued. Fine, now we have got new competitors. It is always fun to be the underdog.' One thing is for certain, under Gates’ watch, the underdog had a fierce bite.


ページ 53-3
多くの学生は執筆に励むため、新たな企業を設立するため、そして遊ぶために、大学を中退した。ゲイツは違った。彼は、自身の事業を運営し、独占禁止法違反に関する申立を回避し、インターネット時代における事業繁栄に向けての戦略的答弁を築き上げつつ、The Road Ahead (1996)、そしてBusiness @ the Speed of Thought (1999)を執筆した。インターネットテクノロジーの分野において主要プレイヤーとなる計画について問われた時に彼が気づいたように、「実のところ、我々に対抗するほとんどのオペレーティングシステムの競争者たちの活力は失われている。もちろん、我々にはまた新たな競争者がいるのだが。劣勢な状況にいることはいつだって楽しい。」1つ確かなことは、ゲイツの観察の下では、不利な者ほど噛み付きが激しかった、ということだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear Tomohiko,

Thank you for contacting Hayneedle.

Since the Tachyon Binoculars were defective, you do not have to return them to us from Japan. We ask you to please discard or (field destroy) the binocular and case. We do apologize for the binoculars being defective.

We will credit your PayPal account for the full amount of $229.98 plus the shipping of $105.94 back on your al account in 3 to 5 business days.

If you would like to re-order please give me a call at 1-866-912-9717 Ext 4059.

For any further questions call one of Hayneedle's optical experts at 1-800-303-5873, or contact me directly by replying to this email.








yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 69-1
At the time, by using the appreciation of share price as a major element of compensation, rather than merely salaries, Gates found a perfect linkage between performance and reward. As he noted: 'We're using ownership as one of the things that binds us together.’

But perhaps the most telling test of the Microsoft culture was that so many of the original employees continued to work there rather than moving on to new career challenges, and how many employees remained at the company even when they were financially secure beyond their wildest dreams.

In fact, when people did leave, then Microsoft's research suggested that it was usually because the challenge had run out.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

・IDBYTE was attended by Facebook, LinkedIn and Indonesia’s own Kaskus.
・At IDBYTE we also had the annual Bubu Awards, dedicated to the Internet industry.
・There was also the Indigo Awards/Fellowship and INAICTA initiated by the government.
・We also saw the SparxUp awards by our friends over at DailySocial.

Big steps in e-commerce and mobile development

E-commerce is hot in every part of the world. It’s growing especially fast here in Indonesia. To speak about e-commerce means we have to talk about the many Groupon clones in the country. Although Groupon and Livingsocial have a presence here, there’s still a number of clones. As for the other e-Commerce players in Indonesia we have:


・IDBYTEにて、インターネット産業に献呈される年次Bubu Awardsも開催された。
・Indigo Awards/Fellowshop、そしてINAICTAも政府により開催された。
・我々の同士DailySocialによりSparxUp Awardsも開催された。



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

As for Android, it’s difficult to say exactly what kind of download rate China sees, because while the Android Market isn’t blocked, there is still no support for paid downloads. There is also a wide array of alternative app stores for Android users, and while we have no idea of the download rate for those — it’s likely pretty darn big.

But given the trajectory that we’ve seen from China over the past year, as well as China’s appetite for Apple and other smartphone alternatives, expect 2012 to be a very big year too.

1. Flurry defines ‘session’ as ‘one use of the application by the end user’ which usually ‘begins when the application is launched and ends when the application is terminated.’





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Chaoren360.com is based in Guangdong in southern China – now home to over 10 percent of all Chinese startups – and is actually more of a magazine than an online mall because it just links to products on others sites such as Alibaba’s Taobao.com or Tmall.com. And so the startup is just curating all these men’s fashion items and wrapping them up in a social layer that resembles a microblog in which you can follow other users and ‘like’ their listed products (pictured below). And that’s fine, as it’s an interesting approach – sort of social commerce without the inventory and overheads.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The review of the Cyberlaw Research Center on Tencent-owned QQ Tech describes it as a kind of “corporate social responsibility” venture that will “promote improvement of China’s Internet law.” And so Tencent will be putting an undisclosed sum of money into research as well, which goes to partner universities and institutes such as Beijing University, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Tencent is one of China’s biggest web companies, encompassing social networks and IM, social gaming, e-commerce, its Soso.com search engine, lots of mobile apps, and many other things.


Tencentが所有するQQ Techにおけるサイバー法リサーチセンターの見解によると、「企業の社会的責任」を担ったベンチャーの類であるとされ、「中国のインターネット法の改善を促す」であろうと見られている。そして、Tencentは未発表ではあるがいくらかの金額をもってリサーチに向け投資を行うであろう。これは後に、北京大学や中国社会科学院中国社会科学院など関連大学と研究所に供給される。
