It has been told by the bank that transaction from JAPAN to CHINA has completed today. However it is delaying at the bank in china.We could research for the details but we didn't because it cost 20 usd. We will do it if you don't get the payment in next week.I'll add the recipt of our transaction on March 1st so please check it.
※キャラクター、写真、有名人の肖像、企業・商品ロゴ等の著作権、肖像・パブリシティー権、商標権その他各種権利を侵害する内容の自作応援グッズ(ボード等)を会場内に持ち込み、使用する事はおやめ下さい※当日撮影が入る可能性がございます。お客様が映りこむ可能性がございますので、予めご了承ください。 さらに!!倖田組 & playroomの W(ダブル)会員限定キャンペーンも実施!倖田組とplayroom、どちらも会員の方を対象に先着で“倖田組スペシャル抽選券”をプレゼントします!!
※Please don't bring and use the goods which offence the rights of another institutions or companies. For example, the products which have any pictures of TV performers, the boards which have any characters or symbols of any institutions are prohibited in our event.※PLEASE NOTE The rule above is in case our video camera doesn't offence their rights.Special offer for the members of both KUMI KODA & playroom fan club!! We will give you the tickets of "KUMI KODA SPECIAL LOTTERY"!!!