It has been a vinyl greenhouse for more than 30 years, so it's totally worn-out. There is so much to repair.It will be a worse one if a very strong typhoon will come from now.I will just wait for the time to pass without fixing the vinyl only if it is not a planting season. But since it's time to plant, I need to repair all because the ridge will collapse if I left the vinyl not fixed.Well, although you may think it's good to have the vinyl fixed, it would be a head-on test against the strong wind of the typhoon. In a house full of rust built 30 years ago.As I am thinking of that, the problem soon came up.
雨漏り対策の試作品を作ってみました。思ってたよりアルミの皿がもろくて柔らかい。とりあえず、この仕組みが成功すれば問題ない。頭の中ではうまくいってるけど、どうなんだろ?こればっかりはやってみないとわからない。早速実験だ続く・・・実験成功バッチリ雨漏り防げてる!改善点はやっぱアルミのお皿かな。もっと硬くて大きいナニカがあれば完璧だ。雨漏り対策編 終了ようやくいちごの定植が終わった。これでひと安心、と言いたい!昨年は定植後に2,000株以上病気で枯れたところもあるから油断できない。
I tried to create a prototype to solve a roof leak.The aluminum plate is brittle and soft as I thought. For now, there is no problem if this method works.I know in my mind that it will work, but let's see. I wouldn't know until I try this.It's going to be an experiment.Continue...Experiment successful.It perfectly prevents the roof leak!Definitely, it's the aluminum plate that needs improvement.It would be perfect if I will make it more harder and bigger.Done solving the roof leak.At last, done with the strawberry planting. I would like to say that I am relieved witht this!I cannot disregard this because last year, there were 2,000 seedlings that got withered after planting.