The software, called FourMatch, analyzes the meta data in picture files to quickly determine if a photo has been modified. FourMatch relies on a comprehensive database of more than 70,000 “signatures” that are left on a file from each piece of hardware and software that goes into creating it. As the company explains in a description of the product, “Once an image has been edited and resaved from a software product, this signature is changed to match the software rather than the original capture device.”
FourMatch is primarily intended for police and lawyers who need to determine whether a photograph has been tampered with in any way between the time it was first captured and submitted as evidence. However, the software won’t tell you exactly how the image has been altered — if it has been at all — because it only analyzes the file data rather than the image itself. For this reason, it can just tell you if a file has been touched by another application.
“This first product we’ve put out is not a magic bullet that will tell you everything you need to know about an image,” Kevin Connor, the company’s president and co-founder who worked at Adobe for 15 years, told Mashable. “This is sort of a first step and there are certain scenarios when it will be very valuable, particularly in the law enforcement space.” Indeed, the software currently retails for $890 so it’s clearly not intended for the average consumer.
「弊社が初めて世に送り出したこの商品は、画像について知りたいと思うこと全てを教えてくれるような魔法の道具ではありません」。Adobeで15年間働いた経験を持ち、代表取締役であり創設者の一人でもあるKevin ConnorはMashableの取材に答えた。「これはわずかながら最初の一歩であり、いずれは非常に価値のあるものになると確信しています。特に法を施行する場で重要になるでしょう」。実際に現在890ドルで販売されていることから考えても、一般の顧客向けでないことは明らかだ。