[対象商品]浜崎あゆみ NEW ALBUM「タイトル未定」【CD+DVD】AVCD-38965/B 3,800円(本体価格)+税【CD+Blu-ray】AVCD-38966/B 4,200円(本体価格)+税【CD】AVCD-38967 定価:¥3,000(本体価格)+税※名古屋、大阪会場は商品代金+送料を頂戴致します。※ご予約の場合、特典はご予約頂きました商品と一緒にお届け致します。※東京公演は商品、特典ともに先着となります。なくなり次第終了となりますので予めご了承下さい。
[Object]Ayumi Hamasaki New Album [Title undecided]【CD+DVD】AVCD-38965/B 3,800JPY(tax exclude)【CD+Blu-ray】AVCD-38966/B 4,200JPY(tax exclude)【CD】AVCD-38967 Price:¥3,000(tax exclude)*Shipping expense would be charged with the price of the album if you were in Nagoya or Osaka Stage*Special surprise will be blunded with the album for those who reserve in advance.*We also remind you that goods in Tokyo Stage will be sold in sequence and will be stop saling by the time of sold out.
女子流が米国初上陸!サンフランシスコで行われる米国最大級のJ-POPカルチャーフェスティバル、J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVALに名誉ゲストとして参加!女子流は、ステージパフォーマンスを行うのに加え、2本の主演映画(『学校の怪談…』『5つ数えれば…』)が、同フェス内にて開催されるJapan Film Festival of San Franciscoで上映されることになり、舞台挨拶等も実施、まさに同フェスを女子流一色に染める!
The tokyo girl's style is going to performing in United States for its first time!They have been invited as the guest to show up in the J-POP Summit festival which is one of the most J-pop culture festival event in San Francisco, UK!The tokyo girl's style had also played as a main role in 2 movies (Ghost Story of School, if you can count to 5...)which will also be showed on Japan Film Festival of San Francisco during this festival period, besides its stage performance. And the tokyo girl's style will show up in the theatre during this festival. The whole festival will be all in tokyo girl's style!