vaioha Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
vaioha English → Japanese
Original Text

Could you briefly tell us a little about Wishscope?

"Wishscope is a web service and iPhone app that helps people connect by matching someone in need of help with those who can contribute or help them. There users can assume two different roles in this service: a person can ask someone else to help them (i.e. be a ‘wisher’), or they can help someone do something (i.e. be a ‘hero’). A list of other users’ wants and wishes will be presented on our platform, and the users can take one if they find something that they can help with. Our service aims to help people solve problems and encourages them to connect with each other on our platform."




vaioha English → Japanese
Original Text

CTO Suzuki was previously working with Cybird, a well-known mobile app developer in Tokyo. A tech guy who has developed a Tokyo wants/give-away exchange site called Livris is highly committed to our service. An American, a British guy and a Korean-American girl are committed to developing the service and designing the user interface."

Who has invested in your service?

"A Hong Kong-based angel investor, Mr. Jun Emi from Netcapital Partners; Mr. Taiga Matsuyama from Kronos Fund; and another anonymous person are our seed investors. We’re very grateful for this additional fundraising from Cyber Agent Ventures which helped us greatly accelerate our international expansion and further our app development."




「香港のエンジェルインベスターでNetcapital PartnersのJun Emiさん、Kronos FundのTaiga Matsuyamaさん,そしてもう一人、匿名の投資家です。Cyber Agent Venturesのさらなる投資に非常に感謝しています。これによりサービスの国際展開加速し、さらにアプリ開発ができます。」