Tsuyoshi (tsuyoshi1525) Translations

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Over 5 years ago Male 30s
United States
Japanese (Native) English
technology Machinery
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tsuyoshi1525 Japanese → English
Original Text



I checked the shipping record, and I found that one of our staff made the mistake on the shipping address. I am terribly sorry for our mistake. Please let us know whether you want to have the money back or ship the item again. I will follow your request as soon as possible.
Also about the overview of A, C on 6 is increasing by 3 compared to 3 on b. The reason of the increase of 3 is , 2 of it is because of broken and 1 of it is because of material change. The reason why C has not been achieved the planned number is because the manufacturing country has been changed and the shipping cost is increased. D has been reported the shipping cost based on the E provide the information, but that information was wrong. The background of the situation is little complicated.