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As an influencer or promoter you agree to abide byThe Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning theUse of Endorsements and Testimonials in AdvertisingAs a Jabuzz influencer you understand content you create can result in negativecomments about it on the internet.This is a risk you are taking and JaBuzzwill not be held responsible for negative affects to a product or company'sbrandFor Companies: Payment and Trial TermsA Company can only take advantage of the free trial once. Duplicateaccounts will be closed without prior notice A paypal account is required for paying accountsPaypal accountinformation is required during account registration, prior to the start of theone month free trial period
We are Mekong Seafood Connection Company (referred as Meksea), one of the most prestigious, and pioneering distributor of high quality frozen seafood in Vietnam. We are now providing various kinds of seafood products: Pangasius, Black Tiger and Vannamei Shrimp, Tuna, Tilapia, Squid-Octopus, Marlin, Mahi mahi, grouper, Indian mackerel and many other products from Vietnam.Please have a look at our offer below and let us know your kind feedback:
私どもはメコン魚介類流通会社(通称 Meksea)です。高品質の魚介冷凍食品をベトナムで販売流通する、一流の先駆的企業です。パンガシウス、ブラックタイガー、バナエイエビ、マグロ、ティラピア、イカ・タコ、マカジキ、マヒマヒ、ハタ、グルクマやその他の様々な種類の魚介類をご提供しています。是非一度私どもの下記提案をご参照いただき、忌憚ないご意見・ご要望をお聞かせください。
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