transcontinents Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Although we checked every bike to be perfect before despatch , sometimes in transit items can work loose , particularly if

The manufacturer has not applied enough glue. As we have also received several bikes like this from Wits. Which we have taken pictures from.

You will need a small amount of superglue and I use a paint brush to apply.

Please find pictures attached outlined in order how to fix brake line, following this I will send Exhaust repair....regards

Here are pictures of exhaust repair , the first picture shows this a factory join , this is not a break. The others following

Show exhaust after we pulled it apart. The result is no different from regards








transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Sorry that you are not happy for something appears. Yes, Friend, it is now with Chinese packing, and during these time it will only have Chinese packing from Factory. But the manual is with English also. Please you can also try to check the helicopter. All are pretty performance.
We Sorry again for this changes, but we hope you can still accept it as for now, the EX-work product is only with 512MB TF car, but we have changed all to 2G as the decription is 2GB. And you can understand, and leave us a positive feedback, thanks in advance. For your next order, we would like to make you special offer of some discount.

If any other problem, please let us know freely. We will do our best to support you.


また変更がありすみません、今ならまだ間に合うと思うのですが、EX workの製品は512MB TF車のみですが、2Gの表記を全て2GBに変更しました。おわかりいただけると思いますが、前向きなコメントをお願い致します。次回のご注文時には特別に割引を適用させていただきたいと思います。


transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

particularly when the lex curiata was proposed by which the transfer of Octavius into Caesar's family was to take place; Antony himself pretended to be doing his best to have it passed, but through some tribunes he kept securing its postponement, in order that the young man, not being as yet Caesar's son according to law, might not meddle with the property and might be weaker in all other ways. Caesar was vexed at this, but as he was unable to speak his mind freely, he bore it until he had won over the multitude, by whom he understood his father had been raised to honor. For he knew that they were angry at Caesar's death and hoped they would be devoted to him as his son.


特にOctaviusをCaesar家の一員とするLex Curiataが提案された時、Antony自身はその案の可決に尽力したように見せかけておきながら護民官を数人抱き込んで可決を引き伸ばし、法の下ではまだCaesarの息子と認められていない若者が財産に干渉することを妨げ、あらゆる手段で彼の権力を弱めようとした。Caesarはこれに苛立ちを覚えたが、自由に発言することができなかったので、彼が父を称えるために担ぎ出されたのだということを知る大衆に認められるまで待った。彼は、大衆がCaesarの死に怒りを感じており、息子となる彼に身を捧げるであろうと期待していたのだ。

transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

having recently experienced a bad sale with the same seller you seems having an issue with.I purchased an item almost two months ago from A and never showed up. No communication either pushed me to open a case.not meaning to be intrusive & just for to figure out how to adapt my reaction to possible escalate of the case,Did you win this auction recently and did you ever heard from the seller and if yes, would you consider to share the information (date)By advance and respectfully, thank you for your consideration,Feel free to ask if any information from my own experience with this seller would help you into your management of your eventual case too,Not knowing me, please feel free to check out my feedbacks.



transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Seven is as low as I will go and it would have to be friends and family option where there are no fees and I close the auction first. This is the option I use to send money to my mom and dad where neither of us pays any fees. This offers you no protection but I have been selling since 2000 and have sold many of this software. The question is are you willing to take a chance.
I just wanted to vocalize my apologies for the late shipping on my part, with the holidays and the local post office closures i was not able to process and send your item as soon as i had hoped. I upgraded the shipping so your item should arrive within a day or two. Once again, my sincerest apologies and have fun with your new Surface.

