transcontinents Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text Custom maps of prospects, customers, and competitors

Can a custom map make you more effective as a salesperson? Absolutely. If your company sells off a franchise model, you have Google maps open all day to make sure that any prospects are a minimum distance away from existing customers. Or you need to look on a map to find nearby reference customers for a prospect to contact. Or you might want to locate prospects that are near certain competitors.


Integrations: Data from Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, CSV, KML, GeoRSS feed, or copy-and-paste.

So, there you have it, a list of five cool tools your competition probably hasn’t heard of yet. Go forth and conquer!

Translation 対象者、顧客、競合先の地図をカスタマイズ

カスタマイズされた地図があれば有効な営業ができるか?もちろんできる。フランチャイズモデルを販売している会社なら日常的にGoogle mapを開いて既存顧客から一定以上の距離がある顧客を探すはずだ。もしくは対象者に連絡する前に近隣の顧客を地図で探すだろう。特定の競合先付近の対象者を探す場合も考えられる。


統合:Googld Sheets、Microsoft Excel、CSV、KML、GeoRSSフィードからのデータまたはコピー貼り付け。


transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Zeemaps is a dead simple, free-to-start service that allows you to upload a spreadsheet of locations and instantly create a custom map that you can share with your sales group. It allows you to add colored markers, so you can indicate whether a location is a prospect, customer, or competitor, and to add custom fields, such as phone number and website, as well as the ability to shade regions to mark off territories.

It also supports a zooming feature where if you click on a location, the number of locations that’s shown as a single number expands into a list of the actual map points.No more flipping back and forth between several different maps, and doing lots of Google map searches while talking to prospects.



場所をクリックすればズーム機能が働き、場所の数から地図上の実際のポイントをリスト化することも可能だ。複数の地図をめくる必要も見込み客と話しながら何度もGoogle map検索をする必要もなくなる。