tomomimomi Translations

ID Unverified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tomomimomi English → Japanese
Original Text

1. New businesses are on the rise: At a presentation last weekend at the TIGERS@Mekong event, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Cuong, deputy director-general of the ministry of planning and investment, noted that the number of new registered businesses has been declining since 2010. A clear indication of the steady decline of Vietnam’s economic growth. But in 2013, the growth rate already far exceeds last year’s number of registrations. By mid 2013, there are already 39,000 registrations compared to the 69,874 registered in the whole of 2012. These numbers tell a story; the economy is turning around. Or, in the face of a poor economy, Vietnamese are still able to be entrepreneurial.


1.新しいビジネスの向上。先週のTIGERS@Mekong eventでのプレゼンテーションで、Nguyen Hoa Coung氏が副計画投資省の局長は、新たな登録された企業の数は2010年以降減少していることを指摘した。ベトナムの経済成長の着実な減少を明確に示す。しかし2013年、成長率はすでにさらに多くの登録の昨年の数を超えています。2013年中期までには、すでに2012年の全体登録者69874名に比べ39000名の登録者になる。この数字はこの物語を語っている、経済は戻ってきている。また、貧しい経済に直面して、ベトナムはまだ起業家でいれることがある。

tomomimomi English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.5
Original Text

I am sorry to inform you that currently does not have the feature that shows the best 1000 sellers in every category. However in the U.S we use the buy box feature, which gives the best seller of every item a preference to showcase his product. For more information on this feature please refer the link below:

Amazon analyses every market(such as U.S, U.K) and adds/deletes features from the website according to the tastes and preferences of the people in the region.

Thank you very much for sending us this email and help us improve with this wonderful idea. I have forwarded your email as a feature request to the concerned department for their review.





tomomimomi English → Japanese
Original Text

1. R11S - Only have 8*. Can do $210 + Shipping for them. Checked with our vendor and they do not have anymore at all. They don't think they will be getting anymore for a while.
2. RBZ - Have Tour 10.5* (Non TCG) that I can give you for $160 each.
3. RBZ - 8* Only TCG in stock. Don't think will be getting Non TCG. TCG is more preferred here.
4. Stage 2 HL = Price is about $200. Have to order it. Not sure how long that will take.

5. Will wait on what you want before I send an Invoice so I can give you the best possible Shipping price.

Yes, the RBZ Tour 8* head would be $200 shipped. Thanks.


1. R11Sー8しかないです。 210ドル+送料。私たちの売り手に問い合わせたところ、彼らは、それをもうひとつももっていないそうです。さらに、彼らはそれを近いうちには仕入れないそうです。
2.RBZー Tour 10.5(Non TCG)があり、160ドルつづで販売します。
3.RBZ -8 TCGだけが在庫有り。 Non TCGはもう、仕入れないでしょう。TCGがこちらでは好まれています。
4,Stage 2HL=値段は200ドルぐらいです。これをオーダーするべきです。どのぐらいかかるかわかりませんが。

はい、RBZ Tour 8の先端は200ドルで出荷になります。ありがとう。

tomomimomi English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

All the US manufacturers and us use a 5/8 forstner drill (15.8 mm) for made the bolt hold in each shape. Do you can tell me how many milimeters have the heat bolt that you use? The same bolt use in the gyms and schools in Japan? The t-nuts accept milimetric bolts, standart bolts or both?

We are ready for made around 50 new molds of small and medium shapes and want made a new molds of old shapes and I want comsiderate your problem, so you dont need work in the bolt hold. So I think will be great have some of your bolts and t-nuts with me for review the holds that ship to you.

You help me a lot if tell me the diameter of the heat bolt in milimeters. ASAP.



私たちは50種類の新しい、小さいものや普通のものや、昔の形のものをつくる準備をしており、私はあなたの、問題を検討し、そしてあなたは、ねじを抑えるものをつくらなくてよくなります。 そうなので、あなたのとt-nutsのねじを私が持っていれば、あなたに贈る、ねじおせえの検討をしたいです。


tomomimomi English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

According to, this is a photo of the iPhone 5S user guide. The pamphlet shows an iPhone with a gray ring around the round home button, which matches previous descriptions of the iPhone 5S’ fingerprint sensor. The guide refers to this button as a “Home Button/Touch ID sensor”. This suggests that Apple will brand the 5S’ fingerprint sensor clearly as a means of identification.

This corroborates with 9to5Mac’s reporting. We have said on multiple occasions that the fingerprint sensor will likely only be used as a means of unlock. In our roundup, we describe how the system will work:




tomomimomi English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

To unlock the iPhone with the fingerprint reader, an iPhone 5S user simply clicks and holds their finger/thumb down on the sensor for a few seconds. It is unlikely that the sensor login and passcode could be used in tandem. There will be a preference in the iPhone’s Settings app to disable the sensor.

This description of the process pairs nicely with the branding ‘Touch ID’, as it literally describes what happens; unlocking will be activated by a touch-and-hold of your finger on the Home Button.

It should also be noted that this guide matches the leaked user guides for the iPhone 5C, with the same color-matched wallpaper design.


iPhoneを指紋認識レーザーでロックするには、iPhone5Sのユーザーは、ただ、ボタンを押しつづけ、指や親指を数秒さげることになります。 これにより、ロックするときに、パスコードを入れることは、同時にできるようには思えません。 iPhoneの設定アプリで、体が不自由な人たちのために、設定できることもできるであろう。

この説明は、Touch IDという、文字通り、ホームボタンを触って押し続けるという行動で、電話をロックするというブランド名になります。
