井上 (tomohiro11) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 20s
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

おびんづる様のあるここ蓮馨寺は、1549年に駿河守政繁(するがのかみ まさしげ)が母の蓮馨尼(に)を追福するために、開山した浄土宗の寺です。



Here where I have Mr. ZURU who isn't worn, the lotus by which Suruga Morimasa Shigeru (done bite of GA Masashi GE) is my mother in 1549 in a lotus Kaoru temple, Kaoru nun (), tsuifuku, Hirakiyama is a temple of a done Jodo sect. There is a wonderful bell in this lotus Kaoru temple, and I'm striking a bell 18 times tight at 15:00 every day. (The one as these 18 times derives at Kanto area 18 danhayashi and the learning of a called Jodo sect.) A bell at time is different from ticking away, and I wish happiness, and it's said that this is on. 1 neighborhood of Kanto 18 danhayashi and at the coat of arm of a hollyhock were training many learned monks as a lotus Kaoru temple as a priest education engine of permitted Shogunate official recognition in 1602 here.

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text




There is one person of Mr. ZURU who isn't worn and the called Sixteen Disciples of Buddha (16 great pupils of Mr. Buddha) in a lotus Kaoru temple, and I stroke the name which is again and also say France. chou and others help a sick person and the person who has a physical disability with the supernatural powers, and do a greedy person and a spiteful person, and he explains the Budda's telling for a person with a trouble in a heart, and says that many people were rescued. When touching the form of Mr. ZURU who isn't worn and stroking the form with the hand, I get over sickness and it's said that they also become smart. This is the history of the name as stroking France. It's stroked by many people, so Mr. ZURU a lotus Kaoru temple doesn't take on repaints it once per twenty-five years.

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text




Kawakoshi Tsuneshige will be laying a foundation in 1244, and it's the temple which opened. It was an old road place by the esoteric Buddhism, but this was changed into Soto Zen Buddhism from the Tendai Buddhist Denomination in 1535. (While general Mahayanist Buddhism (exoteric Buddhism) explains a doctrine by a word and the character widely to the people, esoteric Buddhism is called the one which explained a very mystical symbolism-like doctrine.) I receive ten stones of red seal from Ieyasu in case of Tokugawa Ieyasu's Kanto entry, and it's said that Ieyasu dropped in here by falconry. ※ Please consider a visit on the day Mr. supporter in the weekend and time Lantern Festival visits much. It's written on a temple gate with "fumotokun Sakairi temple gate".

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text





The winter scenery around the Nagatoro ravine horizontal sheet of rock which is a natural monument can be enjoyed while warming up by unique total ship with kotatsus. It's possible to judge Sekiheki of powerful "global, window" horizontal sheet of rock and Chichibu from a ship nearby. There is a place where brand-name spring water from Chichibu "Iwashimizu" drips from Akakabe, and it'll be possible to see Iwashimizu's beautiful icicle at cold time in particular. Besides you can also see a sucker swimming, and if, it's possible to sense nature in Nagatoro nearby further. It's possible to bring foods and drinks in, so this ship may also be good for buying liquor and a specialty by a shopping area and enjoying oneself on Arakawa.

tomohiro11 Japanese → English
Original Text

発表された『フェイクネイル5本指 着圧ストッキング』。




In the MIS AFIA vendee restriction talk show carried out on Sunday on February 8, 2015. Release reaches nail 5 finger pressure stockings of counterfeiting". I announce details to an sales date at last! "3 performs the pressure design" for a thigh, calf leather and an ankle, you come near and make it firm. 5 fingers of wear pressure stockings like being barefoot! Foot composition hammers and indeed cleans more printed matter, and that will be completed beautifully. And antibacterial, removal of the odor (platinum Nano Processing). Processing arrival at※ for which it's difficult to have an orchid (It's difficult to think a hole is wide.) TOURU is added! A beautiful foot is appropriate fashionably already! That's much MISAFIASHIRIZU more than it's developed.