井上 (tomohiro11) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 20s
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tomohiro11 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

2. Your portfolio details will not include executed transactions pending settiement. These will be shown in a subsequent composite statement once they have been settled

3, The settlement dates of Shanghai A Shares in individual customer accounts refer to the scrip settlement. The cash settlement date is on the corresponding next trading day

4, For Shanghai A Shares in individual customer accounts, you can also refer to Purchase and Sale Advice for the details of the exact execution prices of a trade with multiple
execution prices.


With effect from please change my/our records as follows


2.あなたのポートフォリオ詳細は、settiementまでの実行されたトランザクションを含まない。いったんそれらが落ち着いたら、これらはその後の合成ステートメントにおいて示される 3、個々の顧客アカウントの上海Aシェアの解決日付は、受取証解決を参照する。現金解決日付は、対応した次の取引日にある 4 個々の顧客アカウントの上海A株のために、あなたは、また、複数によって交換の正確な実行価格の詳細のための売買アドバイスを参照できる 実行価格。 一致アドレス/電話番号の変化(個人的な顧客のために) 効果によって、どうぞ、によっての時に私/私達のレコードを次の通り変更してください

tomohiro11 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for commercial insurance or a statement of claim for any commercial or personal insurance benefits containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material threto, and any person who, inconnection with such application or claim, knowingly makes or knowingly assists, abets, solicits or conspires with another to make a false report of the theft, destruction, damage or conversion of any motor vehivle to a law enforcement agency, the department of motor vehivles or an insurance company, commits a fraudulent insurance act,


どのような人 を故意に 、およびどのような保険会社、または商業用の保険、またはどのような物質的に間違いの情報でも含んでいるどのような商業用のまたは個人的な保険利点、または誤り導き どのような事実物質的についての情報のおよびでも ように隠すことについての主張のステートメントのための他の人ファイルアプリケーションからでも詐取する意思によってもそのようなアプリケーションまたは主張を持つ不正が故意に作るか、または故意に補助し、扇動し、誘うか、または窃盗、破壊の間違いのリポートをするために別のものによって共謀するどのような人でも、警察機関へのどのようなモーターの損害または変換、モーターまたは保険会社の部門でも、不正な保険行為を委任する、

tomohiro11 English → Japanese
Original Text

Investment services - composite statement

Investment services updates


Portfolio details
Ttiere are no holdings in the account.

Transaction summary
There are no transactions on the account.

Charges and income summary
There are no charges or income recorded on the account.

1. Your Hong Kong listed securities will be held in the safe custody of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in the name of its nominee, ◎◎◎◎◎◎ Nominees
(Hong Kong) Limited or in the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) as a CCASS participant for the account of the Bank


投資サービス - 複合ステートメント投資サービス更新プログラムの最新財務レポートの特定ユニット型投資信託が発行されています。参照してください添付ファイル (もしあれば) 適用ユニット型投資信託のリストのため。ポートフォリオの詳細 Ttiere は、口座で持ち株です。トランザクション集計のアカウントの取引はありません。料金および収入の概要がありますがない費用や所得、アカウントに記録されました。1 上場有価証券はその候補者、◎◎◎◎◎◎ 候補者 (Hong Kong) の名の下の香港上海銀行・ コーポレーション ・ リミテッドの安全な保管で開催されます、Hong Kong 限られた中央清算および決済システム (CCASS) 銀行の口座の CCASS 参加者としてのまたは

tomohiro11 English → Japanese
Original Text

Wikimedia Foundation and 8 other organizations sue NSA and DOJ over mass surveillance

The Wikimedia Foundation (“Wikimedia”), parent organization of ubiquitous online encyclopedia Wikipedia, has announced that it has teamed up with eight other organizations to file a suit against the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) in the U.S., as it looks to “challenge upstream mass surveillance.”

The case in question, of course, relates to NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaks to the media, which started back in 2013 and unearthed a myriad of global surveillance programs, some run in cahoots with governments around the world.


ウィキ メディア財団およびその他の 8 の組織質量監視、ウィキ メディア財団 (「ウィキ」)、ユビキタスのオンライン百科事典ウィキペディアの親組織で NSA と司法省を訴える, は発表したそれは国家安全保障局 (NSA) や司法省 (DOJ) 米国では、に対してスーツをファイルする 8 つの他の組織と提携、「上流大量監視チャレンジ」を見えるように問題の場合はもちろん、2013 年に開始地球規模サーベイランス プログラムの無数の世界中の政府と共謀のいくつかのランを発掘されたメディアに NSA の建築業者になって通報エドワード スノーデン リークに関連します。

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

おびんづる様のあるここ蓮馨寺は、1549年に駿河守政繁(するがのかみ まさしげ)が母の蓮馨尼(に)を追福するために、開山した浄土宗の寺です。



Here where I have Mr. ZURU who isn't worn, the lotus by which Suruga Morimasa Shigeru (done bite of GA Masashi GE) is my mother in 1549 in a lotus Kaoru temple, Kaoru nun (), tsuifuku, Hirakiyama is a temple of a done Jodo sect. There is a wonderful bell in this lotus Kaoru temple, and I'm striking a bell 18 times tight at 15:00 every day. (The one as these 18 times derives at Kanto area 18 danhayashi and the learning of a called Jodo sect.) A bell at time is different from ticking away, and I wish happiness, and it's said that this is on. 1 neighborhood of Kanto 18 danhayashi and at the coat of arm of a hollyhock were training many learned monks as a lotus Kaoru temple as a priest education engine of permitted Shogunate official recognition in 1602 here.

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text




There is one person of Mr. ZURU who isn't worn and the called Sixteen Disciples of Buddha (16 great pupils of Mr. Buddha) in a lotus Kaoru temple, and I stroke the name which is again and also say France. chou and others help a sick person and the person who has a physical disability with the supernatural powers, and do a greedy person and a spiteful person, and he explains the Budda's telling for a person with a trouble in a heart, and says that many people were rescued. When touching the form of Mr. ZURU who isn't worn and stroking the form with the hand, I get over sickness and it's said that they also become smart. This is the history of the name as stroking France. It's stroked by many people, so Mr. ZURU a lotus Kaoru temple doesn't take on repaints it once per twenty-five years.

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text




Kawakoshi Tsuneshige will be laying a foundation in 1244, and it's the temple which opened. It was an old road place by the esoteric Buddhism, but this was changed into Soto Zen Buddhism from the Tendai Buddhist Denomination in 1535. (While general Mahayanist Buddhism (exoteric Buddhism) explains a doctrine by a word and the character widely to the people, esoteric Buddhism is called the one which explained a very mystical symbolism-like doctrine.) I receive ten stones of red seal from Ieyasu in case of Tokugawa Ieyasu's Kanto entry, and it's said that Ieyasu dropped in here by falconry. ※ Please consider a visit on the day Mr. supporter in the weekend and time Lantern Festival visits much. It's written on a temple gate with "fumotokun Sakairi temple gate".

tomohiro11 Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text





The winter scenery around the Nagatoro ravine horizontal sheet of rock which is a natural monument can be enjoyed while warming up by unique total ship with kotatsus. It's possible to judge Sekiheki of powerful "global, window" horizontal sheet of rock and Chichibu from a ship nearby. There is a place where brand-name spring water from Chichibu "Iwashimizu" drips from Akakabe, and it'll be possible to see Iwashimizu's beautiful icicle at cold time in particular. Besides you can also see a sucker swimming, and if, it's possible to sense nature in Nagatoro nearby further. It's possible to bring foods and drinks in, so this ship may also be good for buying liquor and a specialty by a shopping area and enjoying oneself on Arakawa.

tomohiro11 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

New Facebook data analysis tool shows marketers what their customers are talking about

Facebook today unveiled Topic Data, a new tool designed to give its marketing partners more information about what their customers are talking about.

In a blog post, Facebook wrote that the tool lets advertisers see what their customers are saying about “events, brands, subjects, and activities.” The marketers can then ideally use that information to “make better decisions about how they market on Facebook and other channels, and build product roadmaps.”


Topic Data(彼らの顧客が何について話しているかというそのマーケティング・パートナー詳細な情報を伝えるように設計された新しいツール)を、フェイスブックは今日公開しました。
Topic Data(彼らの顧客が何について話しているかというそのマーケティング・パートナー詳細な情報を伝えるように設計された新しいツール)を、フェイスブックは今日公開しました。

tomohiro11 English → Japanese ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

Facebook said it is rolling out Topic Data at first exclusively in the United States and the U.K. with DataSift, a data analysis company. “We want to make sure the information we provide is useful to marketers,” Facebook wrote, so we’re using DataSift’s technology to power the platforms that turn the data into insights.”

As examples of how Topic Data can help marketers, Facebook said that it could help a company that sells a hair de-frizzing product see the demographics of customers discussing how humidity affects their hair. Similarly, brands can measure brand sentiment by understanding what people are saying about their company or their industry.


それがDataSift(データ分析会社)でアメリカ合衆国とイギリスだけで最初はTopic Dataを延ばしていると、顔写真集にはありました。
Topic Dataがどのようにマーケターを助けることができるかという例であります、フェイスブックはそれが製品を非frizzingしている髪を販売する会社を助けることができると言いました。そして、顧客の実態的人口統計学が湿気がどのように彼らの髪に影響を及ぼすかについて議論しているのを見てください。

tomohiro11 Japanese → English
Original Text

発表された『フェイクネイル5本指 着圧ストッキング』。




In the MIS AFIA vendee restriction talk show carried out on Sunday on February 8, 2015. Release reaches nail 5 finger pressure stockings of counterfeiting". I announce details to an sales date at last! "3 performs the pressure design" for a thigh, calf leather and an ankle, you come near and make it firm. 5 fingers of wear pressure stockings like being barefoot! Foot composition hammers and indeed cleans more printed matter, and that will be completed beautifully. And antibacterial, removal of the odor (platinum Nano Processing). Processing arrival at※ for which it's difficult to have an orchid (It's difficult to think a hole is wide.) TOURU is added! A beautiful foot is appropriate fashionably already! That's much MISAFIASHIRIZU more than it's developed.