The business of persuasion — and how machines are beating humansThe wording and emotions used in advertising can affect clicks by 400 percent. And it turns out humans aren’t that good at it.That’s according to Persado, a company that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to evaluate and construct short text, like ad copy and email subjects. Essentially, the company says it can “engineer” copy that is more persuasive without having to create multiple variations and A/B test.
Marketers today are using data to replace guesswork. But they still have to start somewhere. Typically a campaign begins with a person who writes what she thinks will work best. It’s based on intuition more than anything else.And it turns out our intuition is often wrong.To coincide with the end of tax season, Persado recently analyzed the advertisements of companies that do tax preparation, like TurboTax and H&R Block. The company found that the emotions most of the ads play on don’t actually work that well.
マーケッティング担当者は今日、直観による作業を、データに置き換えようとしているが、それでも作業の一番初めは、直観による着手が必要になってくる。自分たちが何を感じたか、を書くのがありがちで、着手がうまくいく手法だろう、直感による着手が何よりなのだ。しかし、私たちの直観は、よく過ちを犯すのである。納税申告期間の終わりに合わせて、ペルサド(Persado)は、Turbo TaxやH&R Blockなど、税務書類作成の支援業をする会社の広告を分析した。それによれば、大抵の彼らの広告の内容は、実のところ大して効果がない。