鈴木 優貴 (sumotoraimi) Translations

4.6 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago Male 30s
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sumotoraimi English → Japanese
Original Text

But a different kind of disguise can work against mobile advertisers. Brian Mandelbaum, founder and CEO of video ad platform Clearstream, described to me recently a kind of disguise that “is rarely talked about.”

“What we’ve seen pop up in the last few months,” he told me recently, “is the pervasiveness of device fraud.”

It’s a way for fraudsters to “command different rates” for mobile ads, he said, since an ad to an iPhone user might be considered of higher value than that same ad directed to a user of a Windows phone.

He said it exists even in the “good neighborhoods” populated by premium publishers, and estimated that this kind of device misrepresentation may be in the “mid to high single digits.”


しかし、違った種類の偽装が携帯広告において起こりうる。ビデオ広告の発着地のClearstreamの創設者でありCEOであるBrian Mandelbaum氏は最近私に1つの「あまり話題にされることがない」種類の偽装について説明した。


