spontaneousmind Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
spontaneousmind English → Japanese
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10 Essential PR Tips for Startups

Erica Swallow is a technology and lifestyle writer. Sign up for her course on “PR for Startups” to learn more about getting media coverage for your fledgling business.

It can be challenging for unknown startups to garner press attention — budgets are tight, relationships with journalists may not be that strong and explaining a new concept is difficult. Not to mention, early-stage startups usually only employ a few people focused on product and development. Therefore, marketing and public relations are often tackled piecemeal by whomever has time.



エリカ・スワローはテクノロジーとライフスタイル分野でのライターです。彼女は"PR for Startups"という講座で、あなたの生まれたばかりのビジネスがメディアで報道されるための方法を教えているので、興味があれば参加してみてください。


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Good press, though, can be one of the biggest drivers for startups looking to grow their user bases, and as a result, a pretty important component for success.

As a tech journalist, I’ve been pitched by hundreds of companies and have developed a taste for what works and what doesn’t. Read on for my startup tips.

1. Know What’s Newsworthy

Before you begin pitching your startup, stop to think about what is truly newsworthy, especially to the publications you’re targeting.

Sadly, many startups simply aren’t newsworthy, because they aren’t unique or don’t offer any added value beyond their existing competitors.







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If your startup is in that boat, it’s really not a matter of figuring out how to pitch your company — instead, you may want to consider improving your product before hitting the pavement.

That being said, if you feel your startup is unique and worthy of coverage, figure out the right angle with which to approach a journalist. A few common ideas include:

・ The startup’s launch
・The launch of a new product, feature or offering
・The release of a compelling study or interesting data
・The company’s response to a current event
・News of a high profile partnership





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Once you figure out what qualifies as newsworthy, begin crafting your message by first understanding all of the details about what you’re pitching.

2. Have a Concise, Value-Driven Message

Before sending out any pitches, take time to craft your company’s message. Be able to explain your startup in one sentence so that anyone — techie or not — can understand its purpose. For example, here is how a few of my favorite startups describe themselves:

“Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover and book unique spaces around the world online or from an iPhone.”
“Skillshare is a community marketplace to learn anything from anyone.”






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“Lot18 is a membership by invitation website for wine and epicurean products from coveted producers at attractive discounts.”

Cut down on industry jargon so that any average Joe can understand your pitch with one read.

After you’ve crafted your company pitch, stick to it for everything you pitch — unless, of course, you find ways to improve it over time.

Besides your company’s description, you’ll also need to create a message for the news event you’re hoping to get covered. Figure out how to explain your story pitch in only a few sentences. Journalists get tons of pitches every day — it’s very likely that the journalist you’re pitching will only read the first few sentences of your email.






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Its likely that some of you have never heard of MapleStory, but the title has over 100 million users worldwide in over 60 countries. 18 million registered players are from South Korea, and another four million are in Japan. That latter fan-base should serve DeNA well in kick-starting MapleStorey: Bokurano Boken in Japan.

While the game is free to play, a DeNA representative tells Penn Olson this evening that there will be in-game virtual items that players can buy using Moba-coins (its virtual currency).

For our readers who would like a better idea of what the MapleStory franchise is all about, check out the demo video below for another mobile MapleStory game, MapleStory Theif Edition for iOS.



ゲームをプレイするのは無料だが、DeNAの代表が今晩にPenn Olsonに語ったところによると、ゲーム内にアイテムがあり、プレイヤーはモバコイン(サイト内で利用できる通貨)を支払ってそのアイテムを購入できる、という仕組みが採用される

このメイプルストーリーの新バージョンが一体どのようなものなのか、気になっている読者の皆様、是非とも下に掲載した、携帯向けメイプルストーリーの別バージョンである「メイプルストーリー盗賊編 iOS版」の映像をご覧いただきたい。

spontaneousmind English → Japanese
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1. Understand the tech but don’t be a CTO

Will the time spent learning how to code pay off? If you’re thinking this way, I’ll remind you that the goal here is not to become a CTO. It is for you to know enough and ship a minimal viable product out into the market. Putting out a skeleton product will definitely pay off. It will tell you know whether your product rocks or suck.

Plus, you can’t hire someone for a job scope that you don’t understand. And because you don’t know the exact job scope, you can’t tell if you’re getting bullshit when you outsource product development to third parties.





spontaneousmind English → Japanese
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All these are extremely confusing to a non-techie. So my advice to you is this: learn whatever language from someone who can teach you personally.

Learning from someone who can explain to you anything you don’t understand is a great time saver. I found my Rails instructor by hanging out at places filled with programmers, like Hackerspace or tech-related events. Alternatively, you can also use Learnemy to find them.

Starting up is hard. Starting up with tools you’re not familiar with is harder, though not impossible. In addition to the steps above, always remember not to give up. Good luck, fellow entrepreneurs!



あなたがわからないことを何でも説明できる誰かから学ぶことは、大きな時間の節約になる。私は自分にRuby on Railsを教えてくれる人を、ハッカースペースや技術関連のイベントなどの、プログラマーが集まる場に出向くことで見つけた。今では、その代わりにLearnemyでそういった人々を見つけることができる。
