sojamilch Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sojamilch English → Japanese
Original Text

PayPal Eyes Growth in Asia with Smartphone Card Reader

Last Friday online payments provider PayPal launched its ‘PayPal Here’ service. It’s a global mobile solution that empowers small business operators to accept payment with their smartphone, thanks to a free mobile application and a card reader that connects via the headphone jack.

The add-on was developed by San Francisco-based fuseproject, who gave it an easily recognizable design and logo that customers could easily see and trust. The first countries to get the service are the US, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong. You can check out the demo video of PayPal Here below.



