Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

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About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

just got in touch with royal mail gave them tracking number it was accepted in this country on the 24th june but theres no other information on item royal mail said I should of received item by now plus when delivered it should of been signed for theres no proof of a signature or delivery they think items been lost they dont know were it is

As I told you yesterday there is no sign of the item in the uk it disappeared on the 24th june as royal mail this is getting beyond a joke I want a full refund or another item sent now you've mess me around enough I've had well over 30p ebay transactions and this has never happened before stop messing me about going on about Japan post and royal mail




shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

His name is Daniel Saffron.

Around 8–9 years ago, Daniel’s grandfather passed away and left him and his father each an inheritance of $250,000.

With that money, he could’ve had for himself a stable life. Pay for his future children’s college tuition, buy a house, a car, invest, put it in a trust fund, reserve for medical debts he may bump into in the broken American healthcare system, etc.

Instead, his father Alan Saffron,

who unfortunately had control of the funds, transferred all of Daniel’s inheritance into his own account and used it to open his restaurant, Burger Kitchen.

The worst part is that Daniel was absolutely oblivious of the theft until the investment for the restaurant has already been made.





代わりに、彼の父親であるアラン・サフロンはー残念ながら、相続金を管理していたのですがーダニエルの相続金を全て自身の口座へ移し、レストラン「Burger Kitchen」をオープンさせました。


shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

When renowned chef and reality TV star Gordon Ramsay visited this restaurant for an episode of his show, the truth behind this blatant theft was revealed by Alan and Daniel.

GORDON: Did your son Daniel know?

ALAN: Well, yes, of course he did. Eventually.

GORDON: When you say eventually—

ALAN: I told him after the fact. I kind of forced him into it by taking his money.

As the episode progresses, we learn that Alan is an oppressive manager who refuses to pay his chefs, has had countless restaurant refurbishes, and forces his chef David (who actually makes fantastic burgers that Ramsay later rated 9/10) to make horribly cooked food that he charges $35 for.








shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

We also learn that the restaurant was losing $6000 a month, which means that Daniel’s money was thrown into a dying business by a man who had no idea how to run it.Later on, we find out that Alan forces Daniel to work the night shift at Burger Kitchen, and the most atrocious part is that Daniel is not paid, nor is he treated as an equal owner of the restaurant despite his money having literally been half of the investment into the place.

Daniel’s girlfriend voices her complaint, and Daniel’s parents begin to jointly bully them both, shutting down Daniel’s complaint and anger at their blatant behaviour.


その後、アランがダニエルを夜シフトでBurger Kitchenで働かせており、さらに残忍非道なことに、ダニエルは給料を支払われるどころか、彼のお金が、文字通り投資金額の半分を占めているにもかかわらず、レストランの同等のオーナーとしても扱われていないことが分かります。


shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

And tourism is limited because of fear and ignorance.

Africa has a reputation as being an unsafe destination. Take a look at this map allegedly showing the world’s most dangerous travel destinations, based on UK Foreign Office warnings:

Many of the world’s most dangerous countries from a tourist perspective are in North Africa and the Middle East.

Because of this, Africa has a reputation as being unsafe to visit.

But Africa is not a country.

Africa is a vast continent with 54 different countries, each with a different risk profile.

And the whole of Southern Africa and East Africa (an area roughly the size of the United States) is perfectly safe to visit for a tourist.









shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

So are the coastal regions of West Africa. (See the green areas on the map).

Many potential tourists stay away because of the perception that “Africa is unsafe” and because they’re unaware how safe it is to travel to Southern Africa, East Africa and parts of West Africa. They see Africa is one big, dark, scary continent, infested with crime and disease and poverty.

So they stay away. If more people knew how safe it was to visit, there would be far more tourists, more flights, more investment. Increased tourism would help grow the economies of these regions, and provide greater protection for the remaining wildlife populations and game reserves of the region. Conservation would be more profitable, economically.



