Chiharu (sakura_dance) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sakura_dance Japanese → English ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

本のカテゴリ名:病気・闘病記,病原・微生物学、寄生虫学,病理学,品質管理 (QC等)標準規格 (JIS等),不動産・マンション経営,不動産鑑定士,浮世絵・絵巻,武道一般,舞踏、舞踊,風習・迷信,風水占い,福音館文庫,仏教,仏教美術,物理一般,物理化学,分子医学・細胞工学,分析化学,文化・歴史,文化人類学・民俗学入門,文法・作文,文法・作文,文法・作文,文法・作文,文法・作文,編み物,弁理士,保育シリーズ,保育園・幼稚園案内,保育学 一般,保育指導書・教材,保育施設運営


Name of this category: Disease・Journal with, Pathogenic, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Quality control (eg, QC), Standards (such as JIS), Real estate, Condo management, Real-estate appraiser, Ukiyo-e・Emaki, General martial arts, Dancing, Traditional Dance, Custom・Superstition, Feng shui horoscope, Pocket Gospel Hall, Buddhism, Buddhist art, General physics, Physical chemistry, Molecular Medicine, Cell engineering, Analytical chemistry
Culture and history, Cultural anthropology, Introduction to Folklore
Grammar・writing, Grammar・writing, Grammar・writing, Grammar・writing, Grammar・writing, Knitting, Patent attorney, Series childcare, Nursery schools・kindergartens guide, Childcare general science, Instructional and teaching materials childcare, Childcare facility management

sakura_dance Japanese → English
Original Text



Strongly specialized in all, there was a sense of speed even discussion, was in a state of self-assertion of each other violently discussion does not converge. Therefore, the role of lubricating oil and steering to think about things from the perspective of the other person, we have continued to indicate the direction of the discussion. I have to create an environment in order to maximize the capacity of the individual in the discussion rather than to force pulling the team. After deciding the story is the axis, at the time of the discussion, I have them to confirm what level of discussion you are talking about and what kind of issues of the moment also. If you get stuck at a very low debate, conscious sense of the whole, the breadth to provide a different perspective.