して、そこから今度は購入した人が、それを身につけて手入れをして愛情を注いで行くと、その物の熱量は、創作者+販売者+購入者の熱量が加算されより気迫の有る物になって行きます。 昨日買ってきたアクセサリーをあげると言われるのと10年間ずっとつけてたアクセサリーをあげるって言われた時の物が持つ温度差が、魂の正体だと思います。
And then, when the person who bought it wears it, cares for it, and loves it, the energy of the the object will be connected with the passion of its creator, seller, and purchaser, and it will gain more spirits. I believe that it is the difference between giving someone an accessory you bought yesterday and giving them an accessory you've been wearing for 10 years that is called a spirit.
I received the product today.The guarantee card and other cards were not contained.I am afraid that you might have forgotten to attach them. If so, could you please send them?I look forward to hearing back from you