ryoga Translations

ID Unverified
Over 10 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Japanese English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ryoga English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

XMLA DataSource, URI, and Catalog properties must be set.
There has been an error on the server. Please check the logs.
Directories not configured correctly. Please recheck General Settings.
<b>Auto Add</b> inspects the report design and adds all parameters that match the name of existing OpenReports parameters.
Auto Create is the same as <b>Auto Add</b> except that it also creates new Text Parameters for all parameters where a match is not found.

Add New displays a popup dialog for manually adding a new parameter to the list of available parameters.

The Java class of the parameter. Used for validation and passed to reports.
Enter SQL for Query parameters or pipe '|' seperated list of values for List parameters.




該当パラメーターのJava classです。検証およびレポートに渡すために使用されます。

ryoga English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Used only with Query parameters.
Determines if the parameter allows multiple selections. Valid only for Query and List parameters.

JDBC Driver class. The JDBC driver containing this class must be in the OpenReports classpath.
Lookup JNDI DataSource. JNDI DataSources require only Name and URL.
The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit.
The maximum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being released, or zero for no limit.




ryoga English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

So, three key ideas/themes you can take from One Piece for your startup: a compelling dream, specialists, and focusing on character development.

Have a brilliant dream that your team would die for

Monkey D. Luffy (pictured with the straw hat), like most Shounen manga, is the main character who has an undying dream to be the pirate king (a part of that is finding the treasure known as the ‘One Piece’). It’s audacious, it’s arrogant, it’s naive, it’s flabbergasting, and it’s exactly what makes little schoolboys and nerds read about him every week. But it’s also what brings his team together. Nobody wants to follow someone without a dream.





ryoga English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

For this startup, dominance of Japan’s $3.7 trillion personal finance market is not enough

Are people obsessed with money? No. People are obsessed with disposable income. Disposable income is the cash in your pocket after all legally required payments for things like taxes and pension have been deducted from your salary. Disposable income gets you dinner and drinks with friends, extra savings in your bank account, a new TV… or even a chance to re-create the hedonism of The Wolf of Wall Street in the comforts of your own home. With so many options, it is no wonder that planning how to use disposable income is a national pastime the world over.



人々はお金に夢中になっているか?そうではない。人々は自由に使える収入に夢中になっている。自由に使える収入とは、例えば税金や年金など給料から天引きされた法律で決まったすべての支払いを済ませた後、貴方のポケットに入るお金のことである。貴方はその自由に使える収入で、友達とディナーを食べたり、お酒を飲んだり、そして余ったお金を銀行に貯金したり、新しいテレビを…さらに貴方の快適な自宅であの「The Wolf of Wall Street」の極上な享楽をもう一度作るチャンスになるかもしれない。これだけの選択肢があるからこそ、自由に使える収入をどう使うか、それを計画することは、もはや世界中の国民的娯楽になっているといっても何の不思議でもないだろう。