港都,不再只是港都. 視野,看見與被看見. 創新,責任與守護. 活力,不變的熱情. 來自100個城市1000多位精英, 在此共創亞太城市新格局. 高雄經驗,驚艷世界. 高雄亞太前進新力量. 亞太城市高峰會kaohsiun.
The Harbour is no longer ordinary.It is to see and to be seen within the field of vision.Innovation comprises responsibility and protection.Vitality derives from abiding passion.Over a thousand of elites from a hundred cities are here to bring the Asian- Pacific city a new layout.Experience in Kaohsiung amazes the world.The new advancing force of Kaohsiung.Asian Pacific City Summit kaohsiun.