Thank you for your email. Once I have the survey results I can let you know what the estimated cost will be to ship the additional weight. I need to get an idea of not only the weight but the volume (gross cubic meters) of the goods that are being shipped. Please confirm you are moving to Hokkaido, Japan. Our surveyor will email you directly to schedule the survey appointment.Kind regards,
Eメール有難う御座います。 下見の検査結果が出ましたらすぐに追加重量配送のお見積もりをご連絡致します。配送商品に関しまして、重量だけでなく体積(総立法メートル)もお知らせ頂く必要が御座います。引越し先が日本の北海道であること、お間違いないかご確認ください。下見のスケジュールに関しましては、弊社担当者が直接Eメール致します。宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you very much for purchasing our product.This product is currently located at our warehouse.This is going to be shipped from our distribution center after transported from our warehouse, it might take some time until the shipment. We appreciate your understanding.Please look forward to our product.