John the Baptistは、約束の救い主Messiahでもなく、また、預言者Elijahの再来でもなく、また、モーセのような偉大な預言者でもなく、荒れ野で叫ぶ声のような者であるなら、神の名によって洗礼を授けるのはおかしい。叫ぶだけでよいではないか、なぜ、本来、異邦人がイスラエルの宗教に改宗する際の儀式である洗礼なるものを、イスラエルの民に授けたりするのか。
It is wrong for John the Baptist to baptize by the name of God if he is not the promised Savior Messiah, the return of prophet Elijah, or a great prophet such as Moses but just a lone voice in the wilderness. Not only raising voice, why did he have the people of Israel baptized which is originally a ceremony to convert the Gentiles to religion of Israel.
One of the things I have learnt from this book is John's way of living who baptized Jesus. There are people who believed John is above Jesus as Jesus being baptized by John, however, it is written that John himself had admitted that Jesus is greater than John, that is, Jesus is the son of God who existed from the beginning. "1" [A]. Also before reaching [B], he clearly mentioned that he is not the Messiah, the Elijah reincarnated, nor the Prophet. He calls himself "2" making a quote for [C].