ptan Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ptan English → Japanese
Original Text

Plenty of Places to Learn Programming Online. So Why Should You Start?

If you’ve been on Twitter over the past few days, you might have seen more than a few people declaring that in 2012 they will learn code with Code Academy. This Code Year initiative looks to be a popular one, but why should we even bother learning to code at all?

While many of our readers are entrepreneurs here in Asia set on creating the next new app, many others might be marketers, managers, or in a position that doesn’t really demand a knowledge of programming. As someone whose own coding skills are very, very basic [1], I can think of a few reasons why.



あたながここ数日間ツイッターを見ていたなら、2012年はコードアカデミーでプログラミングを学ぶと宣言している人を何人か見たかもしれない。このCode Yearによる第一歩は人気のあるものの一つであるようだが、一体何故我々はわざわざプログラミングを学ばねばならないのだろうか?
