pinetreefield (pinetreefield) Translations

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About 4 years ago Male
Spanish Japanese (Native) English Spanish(Latin America)
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40 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pinetreefield English → Japanese
Original Text

I thought it was like cows and you had to feed them. But maybe not.

Also the sun is setting. [hey I don't hold anything okay okay okay]
Okay we're gonna get our horse before sundown. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Hey nice horsey.

I thought that was left click. You are very right. I'm sorry. Hi horsey. No, come back horsey.

Oh, oh, you don't like me? Come on, I gotta eat. Do you want to eat?
I have food. Do you want food? I got a potato. We will be friends. I know we will.

Oh, "You have to assert dominance." I see. Well, I'm gonna sleep because I don't like the sounds that are happening around me. Patchy okay. Good night.





