小倉慎平 (pimpshit) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

I have three Randall knives that I need to sell; Model #1, #14, and #16. The model # 1 and # 16 were purchased new by me; I have the paper work to go with them. The Model #1 was purchased in 2003 and has some use but no wear. The model # 16 has not been used. Each have two or more combat tours- AFG and IZ but only to carry around...

Each have their original sheaths and stones. All are in great condition but the model #1 has been wet several times and it shows- but none have any chipping or scratches. The model #14 has saw teeth and was engraved by Randall Made Knives, but the initials are difficult to make out, I do not know the history of the knife.



それぞれオリジナルの鞘と研ぎ石がついています。ぜんぶ状態は良いのですが、モデル1だけ何度か濡れ、それが目視でわかるようになっていますが、どれにもチッピングや傷はありません。モデル14はのこぎり型の刃で、Randall Made Knives社によって鍛錬されました。が、社名が判断しずらいです。ナイフについてはあまり詳しくないので。

pimpshit English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Antonius' generals in Italy and the western provinces, lacking instructions, doubted the veracity of his brother and his wife.Salvidienus made his way back from Spain through the Cisalpina; Pollio and Ventidius followed, slow but menacing, in his rear. The war had already broken out in Italy. Etruria, Umbria and the Sabine country witnessed a confusion of marches and counter-marches, of skirmishes and sieges. Furnius sought to defend Sentinum for Antonius: Salvidienus captured the town and destroyed it utterly.Nursia, remote in the Sabine land, held out for freedom under Tisienus Gallus, but was forced to a capitulation.These were episodes:L. Antonius was the central theme. He sought to break away to the north.


イタリアにいるAntoniusの将軍たちと西の州は、指示が不十分であり、Antoniusの兄弟と花嫁の忠誠心を疑った。SalvidienusはCisalpinaを通ってSpainから帰国している途中で;PollioとVentidiusをお供に背後に連れ立ってあるいており、ゆっくりとしたペースだったが とっても危険だった。戦争はすでにイタリアで勃発していた。EtruriaにUmbria、そしてSabine の国は小競り合いと包囲攻撃を引き起こした両者のぶつかり合いによる混乱を目撃した。 FurniusはAntoniusのためSentinumを防衛しようと必死になった:Salvidienusは町を制圧し、徹底的に破壊し尽くした。遠いSabine の地にいたNursiaはTisienus Gallusのもと自由を約束したが、強制的に降伏させられた。この物語の中心にはL. Antoniusがいた。彼は北へと攻め入ろうとしたのである。

pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

The point was to experience their wonderful music in a live setting. It was to be with a sea of people who wanted to feel the same way I did. It existed and happened so I could ingrain real, meaningful memories. Plain and simple.

These memories and experiences would shape who I have become today. I now am lucky enough to be part of a band that gets the opportunity to be, for you ,what those bands/artists were for me.

And how lucky I am indeed. We have great fans, and tons to boot. We went away for 4 years and they stuck by us. And we even seemed to get some new ones too. I can’t begin to express my appreciation for all of you.





pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

Now we’re back. We made a new record, for you. And now we’re on tour. We rehearsed for it. We planned a cool production. We picked songs we thought you’d really like. We worked really hard to get it all together. We play an hour and a half a night. We’re a bit older, but we try to rock just as hard as we did when we were kids. We do this ALL for you guys.

To see that, for some of you, it isn’t enough is…well…it’s kind of sad. Listen, I understand wanting to meet the members of a band you really, truly love. I appreciate it too. But is that the whole reason you came to see us? Would it be better if we didn’t play and we just did a really long meet and greet? Is that really the point of it all?



それがわからない人がいたら、まあ、ちょっと悲しいけど。聞いとくれよ。君たちが本当にバンドメンバーと会いたがっているのはわかるよ。本当に。感謝もしているんだ。だけど本当にそれだけが俺たちに会いにくる理由か? もし俺たちが曲をやらずに、長いこと話し込んだり挨拶を交わしたりした方が最高になるのか? それが本当に重要なことなのか?

pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

Last week, we shared a pair of photos of Apple's upcoming iPhone5S,revealing a few details such as a larger-capacity battery and a new dual-LED flash system for the rear camera. At the time, we had some questions about the main chip from the device, which lacked an A-series identification printed on it and which carried date codes indicating that it had been manufactured in Oct 2012.

We have now received several additional photos showing the device in greater detail, with a particular emphasis on the main chip.

As seen in one photo, the chip carries an Apple model number of APL0698,suggesting that this is indeed intended to be branded as an A7 chip rather than a modification on the A6 chip found in the iPhone5.


先週、私たちはApple社が次に発売しようとしているiPhone 5Sの画像を公開しました。容量が大きくなったバッテリーや背面カメラのデュアルLEDフラッシュシステムなどの詳細をほのめかしました。その時点で、私たちは端末のメインチップについての疑問がありました。A-Seriesの烙印がなく、製造された日付コードが2012年の十月になっていたことです。



pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

For a time he refused to let Salvidienus pass through the Cisalpina on his way to Spain; and now he might bar the return of Octavianus' best marshal and last hope.The Triumvir's own province, all Gaul beyond the Alps, was held for him by Calenus and Ventidius with a huge force of legions: they,too, had opposed Salvidienus.But that was not all.The Republican fleets dominated the seas, Ahenobarbus in the Adriatic, Murcus now with Pompeius.Pompeius seems to have let slip his opportunity--not the only time.A concerted effort of the Antonian and Republican forces in Italy and on the seas adjacent would have destroyed Octavianus.But there was neither unity of command nor unity of purpose among his motley adversaries.


Salvidienusをスペインまでの道のりでCisalpinaを通ることを許可しなかったことがあり:そして今回彼はOctavianusの最高の軍と最後の希望が帰還する妨げになりうるかもしれない。Triumvir自身の州、 Alps目下のGaul全域、はCalenusとVentidiusによって軍勢の強い力とともに彼のために押さえられていた:彼らもまたSalvidienusに反抗していたのだ。しかしそれだけではなかった。共和党艦隊が海、アドリア海のAhenobarbus、そしていまではPompeiusとともにMurcusまでも独占していた。Pompeiusはどうやら与えられた機会を逃してしまったようだ――この時ばかりではない、Antonian とイタリアと隣接した海にいる共和党軍の終結した結果はOctavianusを打ち滅ぼすはずだった。しかし彼に対する雑多な敵たちにはまとまった指揮と目的がなかったのである。

pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

Election procedures in rural China have improved greatly over the last 20 years and a
good number of reasonably free and fair elections have been held. But changes in the
‘exercise of power’ have not kept up with changes in the ‘access to power’. In many
communities, township authorities, Party branches, and social forces continue to impede democratic rule. This suggests that a purely procedural definition of democracy is problematic and that democratization depends on the power configuration in which elected bodies are embedded. Putting grassroots democracy into place goes well beyond getting the procedures right, and ‘high quality’ democracy rests on much more than convening good village elections every 3 years



pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

The advantages are clear. Above all, it facilitates
measurement. But on the other hand, understanding democracy in a purely
procedural fashion is problematic because it neglects the content of democracy. It
does not answer the question of what democratic politics is, and instead focuses on
how we might get it. Though choosing leaders through certain methods is an essential
element of democracy, impeccable procedures do not guarantee democratic
governance. This point is especially important because democracy does not simply
denote majority rule, but instead is usually seen to be a congeries of institutions that
guarantees rule of law, separation of powers, protection of minorities, and protection
of civil liberties.



pimpshit English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

DeNA Starts Integrating Casino Games Into its Chat App Comm

Dr. Serkan Toto is a gaming expert and independent consultant based in Tokyo. You can follow him on Twitter and his blog. This article is republished with his permission.

All the buzz has died down about Comm, the chat app DeNA (TYO:2432) started rolling out in October last year. According to the last official word a few months ago from the Mobage operator, the app racked up a total of five million users.

That number is surely higher now. Comm has been advertised on TV in Japan. But I doubt there is a lot of faith left inside DeNA to turn comm into a real competitor for Line or KakaoTalk.

The company, however, isn’t giving up.



Dr. Serkan Totoはゲームのエキスパートで、東京を中心に活躍する独立したコンサルタントである。彼のTwitterとブログをフォローすることができる。この記事は許可を受けて再発行している。


現在ではこの数値は確実に高くなっている。Commは日本のTVで宣伝されてきた。しかし、まだDeNAの中にCommがLineやKakao Talkなどに対抗しうる製品であるという確信かどうかは疑わしいものである。
