Notice of Conyac Termination

Shu (phoenix_q) Translations

ID Verified
About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
phoenix_q English → Japanese
Original Text

Singapore healthcare platform DocDoc hires new CMO, expands to South Korea

DocDoc, an online platform that enables patients to make instant appointments with doctors, has announced last week the hiring of Jon Samsel as its new CMO. Jon has been charged with growing the company’s global brand as it expands to South Korea and beyond.

Jon, who moved from Los Angeles to Singapore, was previously a co-founder of Heardable, a big data analytics startup. Prior to that, he was the senior VP of digital marketing for Bank of America, as well as the managing director of Roadloans, a division of Ford Motor Company. At DocDoc, he reports directly to CTO John Sharp.



患者が簡単に医者の予約を取ることが出来るプラットフォームを提供しているDocDocは先週Jon Samsel氏を新しいCMOとして雇用することを発表した。Samsel氏は韓国への展開といった同社のグローバルブランドの成長を負ってきた。

ロサンジェルスからシンガポールに移ったSamsel氏は以前、ビッグデータ解析の新興企業のHeardableの共同設立者だった。それ以前、彼はBank of Americaのデジタルマーケティング担当上級副社長、フォード社の部門であるRoadloans社の取締役であった。DocDocで彼はCTOのJohn Sharp氏に直接報告する。

phoenix_q English → Japanese
Original Text

I see. So take your time on investigation.
And the expense of shipping to Japan will be just like what I told you. If we ship 100 boxes to Japan, it'll be around $100, and I'll pay about 60% of shipping expense for you.
If we ship more quantity, it will not increase a lot. We will see.
If you get large quantity in the future, maybe I can share more shipping fee with you. 70% probably.
I'll wait for you response about your investigation on those products.
Please contact as soon as you got the result.
Just want to verify with you, you sent pictures of 3 boxes only, right?
Another box, please give me few days to look for it.Feel free to write to me at anytime.
Just wait for my respond please.




phoenix_q English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

Wecan give you a discount on your next order. Then please write us an email what you want to buy and don´t buy it on ebay directly.
Because we have to pay fees to ebay for each sold article. If we don´t involve ebay, we can give the savings to you as a customer 8% discount
So, the next time you want to order, please mail us

Your current order: 8 x Titanium Hardboot Bindings 4x M, 4 x L and 10 x Intec Adap
- i wrote you in the last mail, that we could only deliver 8 Intec Adapter at the moment ( would that be okay for you or do you want to wait
until the new ones arrive? at beginning of september) If you want it now, it would be 1912,-€with 8 adapters
Or you wait one and a hlaf week then it is 2030,-€ with 10 adapt



8 x Titanium Hardboot Bindings 4x M, 4 x L and 10 x Intec Adap
前回のメールに書きました通り、今すぐ8 Intec Adapterをお届けすることができます。(新しいものが届くまで、お待ち頂いてもよろしいですか。9月の初めになる予定です。)もし、今すぐ必要な場合は、1912,-€with (8アダプター)となります。
もし、あと一週間ほどお待ち頂けるなら、2030,-€ (10アダプター)となります。

phoenix_q English → Japanese
Original Text

Most research on authoritarianism has focused on its political and social implications. For example, researchers have examined how authoritarianism is related to prejudice and discrimination in Western and non-Western countries. Accumulated research has shown that individuals who score high on authoritarianism are prejudiced, belligerent toward targets sanctioned by authorities, anti-introspective, and focused on conventionality and tradition, and that they feel morally superior to others. Psychologists know a lot about the ideological correlates of the variable. But research on how authoritarianism finds expression in nonpolitical domains is in its infancy.

