Jamie (perfectionista) Translations

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Over 7 years ago Female 30s
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
perfectionista Japanese → English
Original Text





Please be aware that medication can only be given under the following conditions:
・Please write the child's name and class name on the medicine container or bag.
・For oral medicine, please bring the medication already separated into single dosages.
・Please put the medication and the doctor's written prescription in a clear packet, and hand it directly to a staff member.
・We can only give medication to children that has been prescribed by the doctor. (We cannot give over-the-counter medicines.)

Regrettably, we can only give medication dependent upon a doctor's written instructions. We trust that the children's guardians will assume responsibility for the giving of medication to pupils at this kindergarten.

Kindergarten Pupil's Name
Guardian's Name

perfectionista Japanese → English
Original Text








Response Measures in the Event of Disasters

In the event of a disaster -
If there is no guaranteed safe area within the kindergarten, staff will evacuate the children. ※The shuttle bus will not operate

【1st Evacuation Site】
【Tsunami】 In the event of a tsunami, the evacuation area will be the roof of a building (a building within the premises of the kindergarten)

【Earthquake】In the event of an earthquake over magnitude level 5, whether or not your child has suffered any injuries, please come to collect your child.
Even if the earthquake is below magnitude level 5, if maintenance of nursing operations proves difficult, the nursing service will be temporarily suspended.

We shall contact children's guardians via the "Contact App". In that case, please come to collect your child.

perfectionista Japanese → English
Original Text




Bringing private property such as toys, food, etc. is prohibited. Hair accessories, if safe, are permissible. However, please note that this nursery is not responsible for the loss or damage of these items.
Furthermore, while heavy clothing and outer garments such as coats are acceptable, items such as gloves, scarves, etc. must be taken home with the child's guardian. Umbrellas and raincoats must also be taken home with the guardian.

16. Bad Weather/Natural Disasters/Disturbances, etc.
In the event of bad weather, natural disasters, breakdown of the shuttle bus, etc., if the board of directors determines that it is difficult to guarantee the safety of the kindergarten pupils, then the shuttle bus and nursing service may be temporarily suspended. Also, as a general rule, the establishment's re-opening date will remain undetermined.
This nursery will follow the prescribed methods for contacting the children's guardians.