We have no problems contacting in Chinese. We will have our agent in China contact the factory.If we could have the factory address, contact information, and the person in charge's information, we will contact them ourselves.This would go smoothly if you could tell the person in charge of the factory that we will contact them.Ms.NancyRegarding the quotation request, how do you find it? A company's merchandise is popular in Japan. Now we are in contact with A company's person in charge but if possible, we would like to sell your merchandise.
1.添付Scope of supplyの中のどのアイテム(s)がXXユニットなのかお知らせ下さい。2.彼らはその送料を折半することは受け入れませんでした。全額A社が支払うことを要求しています。3.A社は装置をこの2年間で毎月1時間(合計40時間ほど)しか運転していないので、壊れたA部品の補償を希望しています。あなたの意見をお知らせ下さい。
1. Please tell us which item(s) in the attached file "Scope of supply" is xx unit.2. They did not agree to halve the shipping fee. They demand that A company pays the full amount.3. A company claims that they have only operated the device 1 hour per month these past 2 years (40 hours total) and so they wish for compensation for the broken A part. Please let me know your opinion on this.
To improve our products and service, please kindly complete the questionnaire.We will give out a 5% discount coupon for all items in the shop to those who sent in their answers.Please return the answers by replying to this email.Please tell us the good things and things that need improvement.What kind of keywords did you use to find the product(s) you purchased?What kind of products do you think we should add to our catalog?Please tell us what you are most interested in at the present.Please tell us the url to the site(s) you usually use for your shopping.