oier9 (oier9) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

An investor I got talked to recently seemed excited about the newly emerged online/mobile services for LGBT groups, counting that they would spend all the money other Chinese would spend on wedding, raising kids and child’s education — accounting for the largest spendings of Chinese families apart from real estate — on those Internet services.

This investor also believed that people of LGBT groups are generally higher paid with strong purchasing power. Positive factors, when it comes to China, also include that there’s no religious pressure on Chinese in this regard and nowadays Chinese society seems more tolerant of it than a lot of other countries.



oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Effective Measure’s research shows mobile is the tool of choice in accessing online content. In July, 51 percent of Indian users accessed the internet from a mobile phone, while five percent accessed the internet from a tablet. The majority of Indian netizens are married, and most of those have at least one child. Combine that with the 77 percent who went to university, and you get a sizable market of well-educated (and probably well-off) parents online.

It’s also worth noting that India’s overall internet penetration is only around 12 percent of its total population, but that number is expected to triple from 125 million to 330 million by 2016 [1].


Effective Measureの調査によれば、オンラインコンテンツへのアクセスには、モバイル機器が最適なツールだとわかった。7月には、インド人ユーザーの51%が携帯電話からインターネットにアクセスする一方、5%がタブレットからアクセスしていた。インドのネチズンの大半は既婚者で、そのほとんどが子持ちだ。こうした事実と、77%が大卒という事実を組み合わせ手考えれば、高学歴の(そしておそらく裕福な)両親を対象にした巨大オンライン市場を手に入れられる、ということだ。

また、インド全体のインターネット普及率が、総人口の12%前後だというのも注目に値する。しかしこの数値は2016年 [1]までに、1億2500万から3倍の3億3000万になると予想されている。

oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

YY Education

YY tries to expand its online rich-media interactive business from music show to other categories, talk show, game broadcasting, and education. It’s existing infrastructure is enough for teachers to give live classes, interact with students real-time through text and voice messages and take payments.

The music show business is a major revenue driver for YY that the company takes cuts of virtual item sales. Eric He, YY’s CFO, estimated YY Education could generate revenues in two years during Q2 2013 earnings conference call. His pointed out that YY Music started monetization in 2011 and accounted for 30% of the company’s total revenues in 2012.


YY Education


音楽のショービジネスは、YYの主な収入源であり、ヴァーチャルアイテムの売上によるものだ。2013年第2四半期決算に関する電話会議において、YYの最高財務責任者であるEric He氏は、YY Educationが二年以内に収益をあげられるだろう、と話した。同氏は、YY Musicが2011年に収益化を開始し、2012年には同社の総売上高の30%を占めている点を指摘した。